Steamlight stylus pro vs Sunlite slim2


Newly Enlightened
Aug 27, 2008
Hey all, I have the Streamlight and its ok. What would make it better would be if it were basically the same size, same forward clickie same 2 aaa format but I would like if it were brighter. Enter this light
It seems to be about the same light only more than twice as bright. Rated at 60 lums compared to 24 for the stylus pro.

Does anyone have any real life experience with the Sunlite? Is it really going to give me a similar light and be twice as bright?
Well, I have the Slim2, but not the Stylus Pro. You can check out my review of it here.

In my opinion though, the light to get for brightness and in keeping with the penlight style, is the original Slim with the 100 lumen head. The thing will surprise you with its throw and brightness. It's scary to think of all that goes into a little led head like is in those Slims.
I would recommend getting a Fenix LD01 for your Sylus Pro body. The Fenix head will be ~140 lumens on 2xAAA, and you'll be able to change the (Fenix) modes via the clickie 'momentary' that you like on your Stylus Pro. I've done this mod and it works great. Here's a couple of threads if you're curious (most posts are on the SL Microstream / Fenix but the SL Stylus Pro 2xAAA is also represented:

A real winner & perfect combination: the better UI of the SP and the higher outputs of the Fenix, especially on 2xAAA (not potentially overdriven like the LD01 on 1x10440). Good luck,