Stolen Surefire U2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 12, 2002
Well, it was bound to happen. I left my U2 with my gf and she had it in her car. Some punk broke in last night and stole everything. :sigh:

So my question is...what should I get to replace the U2? A new one? My original U2 was one of the early ones when they came out. Any major differences between that and the newest from SF? I think I want something that's 100+ lumen, but also has different brightness levels. I guess price range would be anywhere between $200 and $300.

I've been reading about some of the Fenix lights and such. They seem to have really great specs and are unbelievably inexpensive compared to SF, but there has to be some sort of trade-off, right?

Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
And from now on, only the $35 Inova T1 stays in the car. No more leaving Surefires lying around.
Sorry to hear about your U2 getting stolen. :(

I've started carrying anything expensive in a bag. If I am out of the car for a while the bag comes with me.

So any would-be thieves are only gonna get a few odds and ends. Mints, cell car charger, Kleenex, a couple of pens, and other junk.

Best of luck in replacing it with a new light. (You might want to check with your insurance company to see if any of your policies cover your stuff being stolen. Or your gf's insurance company.)
Sorry to hear about your U2 getting stolen. :(

I've started carrying anything expensive in a bag. If I am out of the car for a while the bag comes with me.

So any would-be thieves are only gonna get a few odds and ends. Mints, cell car charger, Kleenex, a couple of pens, and other junk.

Best of luck in replacing it with a new light. (You might want to check with your insurance company to see if any of your policies cover your stuff being stolen. Or your gf's insurance company.)

Thanks. I tried to claim insurance when my $500 GPS was stolen out of my car, but they said it would be under my home owner's insurance, not my car insurance. I didn't know if that was true or not and I didn't bother to do a followup. Actually, my stuff was stolen when I parked at her place too. I'm starting to think this was an inside job (maybe her sister's ex, neighbors, etc.). Aren't there some statistics out there that say most crimes are committed by people that know us? Rarely is it just purely random.
The insurance thing is just ridiculous! If I had a toilet and a Piccasso in the backseat, it's covered by my car ins. unless it's parked in the garage of my own home!!! The first response from any type of ins. is no, just file and refile. If you've had a SF for some time and enjoyed it then I'd say stick with them, not Fenix. Get another U2, I am not sure on the spec changes if any. Dad always said everything was an inside job.
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Sorry that you light got snagged. I'll bet that you'd really like getting another U2 though. If it worked so well before, I'm sure that you'll enjoy another one.
Most car policies do not include protection against theft for contents in your car. But homeowner policies do cover it, assuming it's worth it to file after considering the deductible. At least in my state.

Sorry abour your U2. If I was thinking about getting another one, I'd probably call SF and ask if they have any plans to upgrade the U2 to a newer LED.
Sorry to hear your stolen U2. I got fairly new U2 and I like it. May be you need to look at the new model before you go for any other one. If you like Surefire U2 before, I'm sure you like the new model which is almost the same, but maybe better. Good luck with you new flashlight.
Sorry to hear about your U2...
As far as changes, the only real difference that I nave noticed is the inner diameter of the body. The newer U2 body will not accommodate an 18650 where as the older ones will (some require a plastic sleeve be removed to fit). When it comes to the 100+ lumen output that you are looking for, I would still suggest the U2, 1-because it is a farmiliar UI that you like and 2. If you decide that you would still like more output than what the U2 currently offers, you now have the option of sending it down to Milkyspit to be modded into a Quad-Rebel Monster with output of around 500 lumens on level 6 while maintaining the same runtime as stock and 6 individual levels of output.

I called Surefire and their customer service is very awesome! They were very sympathetic about the U2 and agreed to send me a new one! :thumbsup:

Haha...just kidding. They did send me a free long E2e clip, though. I hate those short clips.

But seriously...I think I'll wait until they update the U2. I can go without one for now. That Milkyspit mod sure looks awesome. In fact, I was just considering that the other day. Darn it. Thanks everyone for your input!
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I have a U2, currently use a Leef body and 18650. It's a great light, even today. Beautiful, practical beam design ("ram of light"), excellent run time on the 18650, intuitive UI.

However, great as the U2 is, if mine was stolen I'd probably opt for something else. Why? Because it's very expensive, adding a Leef body is even more money. Technology marches on, and there are other current and nearly-available options.

My other favorite light is my HDS U60 with the Milkyspit SSC P4 mod, for 120 lumens. It's about equal to a Novatac 120P. About the same output as the U2, less run time (on max), but very versatile.

Two other options are the upcoming new Arc LS:

And the HDS 120:
Well, I decided to buy a Kroma from B/S/T. I'm still waiting for confirmation about that, but I'm certainly excited! Any thoughts on the Kroma? I like that it has multiple levels of output, and the red is cool to me. I'm not sure how useful the blue LED is...I have an A2 in blue that I hardly ever use. I know the Kroma isn't as bright as the U2 for the highest beam, but its 50 lumen will still be bright for general usage, right?
I have both the U2 and Kroma, the biggest difference between the U2 and Kroma White Beam is that the Kroma has a much tighter beam. The U2 is a wider brighter beam with a decient throw, which is good for tatical and general use. The kroma on the other hand throws about the same distance, though the beam is much tighter since it uses the TIR lens. its bright enough for most uses, though the tight beam may be a little too tight for some applications. the Red and Blue LEDs are floodly like and will stay on while the white light activates if you have it set to that setting. Blue LEDs are not very useful unless you are tracking blood trails or something red. red is good for night vision and tracking items that are blue which appear black. total output difference the Kroma puts out about the same light as my U2 on the 4th level (1 being the lowest and 6 the highest.) with a more narrow beam.