Storms and power outage last night


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
Had nasty storms last night and lost power for a few hours. Got to play with flashlights a bit and found out what I have found in the past. The handiest light of the bunch was my headlamp. I did dishes using it, and sat reading with it for several hours. I find I prefer it to a lantern even when it is just myself, a lantern is better when there are several people in the room that need lighting.

I got out the lantern and we used it once my wife got home from work after midnight and it worked fine too. She said she used her headlamp at work to do paperwork and check patient rooms, she is a nurse and was the envy of all the others. She also used her RR 2AA flashlight to good effect and her Fenix P1 lit up the parking lot fo all the nurses and aides to go to their cars.

I do have to say in the blackness of outside with no lights from neighbors houses I was very impressed by the Ultrafire C3 and the light it throws for a one AA cell light. It lit up farther and more than I thought it would initially.
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Anyone was welcome :) I munched on popcorn I made on the stove while reading, there was plenty for everyone.
Her hospital doesn't have generators? :shakehead


She said she used her headlamp at work to do paperwork and check patient rooms, she is a nurse and was the envy of all the others. She also used her RR 2AA flashlight to good effect and her Fenix P1 lit up the parking lot fo all the nurses and aides to go to their cars.
Yes hospitals have generators but the power is reserved for only critical equipment. Most have special RED outlets that are the only ones supplied power during an outage. Lighting is usually kept to a minimum.
Its a nursing home, and they do for emergency life support type use only, which does not include general lighting. The have dim emergency hall lights which are adequate to walk without tripping over a wheelchair or something but impossible to write or read by and no room lighting.
Had one here a few nights ago. When you live in the city and the lights go out, its kinda erie looking. Got to use some lights too.
Not posted on here for a while, hello everybody.

I'm currently travelling throughout the states having worked in Maine at a summer Camp for the Summer. All summer I've had two Fenix flashlights with me, and had the usual questions and jibes. Last night, my third night in the delectable President Inn in Washington DC the transformer behind the hotel was hit by lighting and we went twelve hours without power...

Now I'm the hero! The P1D-CE went on it's end to light up the whole bathroom, the P3D did the same job in our bedroom! I also had a few DX phonyton lights to hand around as personal lights for the guys.

Shame none of my lights could fix the temperature, no air-con in a sealed hotel room was a Killer!

What's the law in the states regarding emergency lighting? The hotel doesn't have any, not even in the fire-escape steps we used to get up to our room. Without a torch it would have been 100% dark. I'm going to complain (as I leave) and it would be good if I had an Idea of local legistations? Any Washington DC police on this message board? Saw a few of your boys respond to the traffic signals that went out last night, good job!

Nice to be back!
I have never been in a hotel that did not have emergency lighting, which is a building code requirement everywhere. Something strange going on at that hotel.
What's the law in the states regarding emergency lighting? The hotel doesn't have any, not even in the fire-escape steps we used to get up to our room. Without a torch it would have been 100% dark. I'm going to complain (as I leave) and it would be good if I had an Idea of local legistations? Any Washington DC police on this message board? Saw a few of your boys respond to the traffic signals that went out last night, good job!
Nice to be back!

5-9.1 General.

5-9.1.1 Emergency Lighting facilities for means of egress shall be provided in accordance with this section for every building or structure where required in Chapters 8 through 30. For the purposes of this requirement, exit access shall include only designated stairs, aisles, corridors, ramps, escalators, and passageways leading to an exit.

5-9.1.2 Where maintenance of illumination depends upon changing from one energy source to another, there shall be no appreciable interruption of illumination during the changeover. Where emergency Lighting is provided by a prime mover-operated electric generator, a delay of not more than 10 seconds shall be permitted.
Not so much "strange" as "lazy"

I think the managment has all but given up on the hotel, they're just keeping it running to take money off travellers like me! I didn't argue too much at check out, they'd actually worked my bill out wrongly anyway, in my favour :)

I've left Washington now, just arrived in Cleveland after the overnight greyhound bus from hell!

Nice to be back.
My parents had a similar experience in Vegas this past year. It turned out that the Travel lodge (I think this was the motel chain) they had booked several nights stay in was a dump, and cost twice as much as the price quoted. Why? Travel lodge had sold the motel several years before to some private individual, and they neglected to imform their telephone booking agent (which I found on Yellow in a search of Vegas hotels) of the change in ownership.

They had to pay the exorbatant price for one night at least because every room in town was booked for the NBA all star game, which I did not know about, lol.

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