Strange beam on Coast Digi Tac II


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2004
I have this light, and it seems like there are almost 2 beams being projected, or that's the best way to describe it. One looks like a standard circular beam, and the other a square. The circular one is off-center and part is outside the square shaped one. Where the 2 overlap, the light is very bright, but where they don't, it's much dimmer.

This light is older, and i bought it at Lowe's a couple years ago, I believe. I know I shouda returned this when I first bought it, but didn't really pay attention to stuff like that before becoming addicted to this habit.

Is the LED mounted incorrectly or something? Anyone have this happen to them, and know what is the cause of this?

Sounds like it is out of focus/not screwed down tight.Or man defecct/not mounted properly.

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