SL doesn't sell the LED module. I have a Scorpion LED and love it. The head also fits onto Vital Gear FB bodies (something the TL-2 and NF-2 LEDs can't do since the head isn't removable, only the front bezel). The easiest thing you can do to save on battery costs is either:
1. Get a 3.7V Strion bulb and run a 17670 rechargeable.
2. Get 2x 3V R123As to run the 6V (really a 5V) bulb.
For option 2, some say this risks instaflashing the bulb, but I've run 2cell bulbs w/o problems for a while on my 3V R123As. I use the ones that charge to 3.6V max and are 3V by chemistry, which may be better for the bulb (since it's really a 5V bulb). Some 3V R123As are actually 3.7V cells with an internal circuit that drops the operating voltage to about 3.2V which may be enough of a difference to blow the bulb. I got my 3V R123As from Frys, brand is Ultralast. The xenon bulb runs brighter with my R123As since the voltage is staying at 6V and driving the bulb harder than 2x primary 123As which sag to about 5V under load.