Does anyone know of any way to update the stock bi-pin bulb on a Streamlight Scorpion? Everything I've found so far here has mentioned just replacing the head entirely.
Does anyone know of any way to update the stock bi-pin bulb on a Streamlight Scorpion? Everything I've found so far here has mentioned just replacing the head entirely.
So a Strion bulb wouldn't work with the regular 2 x CR123?
Since there's a Scorpion LED head, does anyone know if the heads are interchangeable?
Hello everyone. I am obviously new to the forum. So please forgive my noob questions ...
Anyone have a link to where I can find one of those Strion bulbs? I blew my bulb and my spare trying to use the new 3.6v 16340 ultrafires I ordered, in this scorpion. Then I noticed the 3v v. 3.6v difference......... duh......
You probably fed the bulb too many volts. It's a bulb meant around 6 volts. I say around because a pair of 123 cells begin at over 6 but under 7 then decline as juice is depleted.
Your RCR's quite likely had 4+ each to begin with so in series gave a bulb busting 8+ volts to your circuit.
Scorpion, Nite Fighter and TL's share the same bulb, which go for about $6 each. All use the same bulb assembly unit.
You may have burnt the bulb assembly unit. (about $14)
You can get either at
Welcome to CPF btw.
Is there a small piece of foam on the underside of the bulb assembly unit? Perhaps a silver cap?
The TL 2 and Strion incans have a spare bulb hidden in the light.
Strion is in the tail cap and TL 2 is on the underside of the bulb assembly.
Try swapping bulbs.
Now, first off remove your face cap and see if it lights. Those old Streamlights are a fickle lady at times. If it works without the face cap, some bending of the pins may be in order to keep them in contact with the bulb assembly while putting the face cap back on.
I had one give me grief past a certain point. I turned the light on and began fastening the face cap. Three twists in it would grow dim, twist 4 turned it off. I pulled off the face cap, reset bulb, and twisted twice....then left it that way until my new bulb assembly unit arrived from ecops.
I'm saying all this from Strion/TL 2 use as I've never owned an incan Scorpion.
Use primaries to try all of this. Simply put, if the RCR batteries zapped one bulb they may zap another.
Regarding using the RCR's in this light, I'd err on the side of caution and not use them. But that's me.
Oh, btw I was incorrect about the lamp's like $3..the Strion is the $14 one.
And the Scorpion uses a removable head, unlike those others that use a face cap...still try it without the head...