Streamlight Stinger C4 LED


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2007
I made a post concerning my Streamlight, but it seems to have gone :poof:! Anyhow, I just "upgraded" my Lux III LED Stinger with a Streamlight C4 LED /switch assembly. There is no difference in brightness. The tint may be a bit warmer, but it is no brighter. From what information I can gather, this C4 is a Lux K2. I also read on one post here that some of them, maybe more current models, use a Cree. Does anybody have any information about this and if so, is the Cree any brighter? Does the K2 on this light give better runtimes? If the runtime has improved (it was already great on this light!) the upgrade was worth it. Thank you for your help!

Do they make an LED electronics replacement for the old xenon stinger? I used it for years but now it just sits on the shelf unused.
I hope you're wrong...

Mev got a throw of about 6,000 lux for the SCORPION C4 LED :

I had an INOVA 2007 X03 - using a K2 - and it was throwing VERY BAD, probably around 2,000 lux , worse than the previous version with TIROS. As X03 is quite similar to TL-2 or SCORPION C4 LED in runtime, it's clear than the C4 should be by far more efficient than a simply K2 ...That difference can't reside only in the reflector design. BTW, INOVA is 1' longer...
I am waiting for an TL-2 C4 , I hope it won't be a slouch in throw like the previous INOVA

I made a post concerning my Streamlight, but it seems to have gone :poof:! Anyhow, I just "upgraded" my Lux III LED Stinger with a Streamlight C4 LED /switch assembly. There is no difference in brightness. The tint may be a bit warmer, but it is no brighter. From what information I can gather, this C4 is a Lux K2. I also read on one post here that some of them, maybe more current models, use a Cree. Does anybody have any information about this and if so, is the Cree any brighter? Does the K2 on this light give better runtimes? If the runtime has improved (it was already great on this light!) the upgrade was worth it. Thank you for your help!

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I have a StingerDS C4 in my hand, and it is a Cree of some sort, I'm not sure of which XR-E, definately not the Luxeon K2 as previously used.

When did the change happen and why? Nothing about it on the Streamlight site.
I called Streamlight and tech guy said they get the LEDs from various manufacturers for the Stinger LED, as long as they meet the spec for the light.


Streamlight C4 DS LED.

link to short review
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I have a StingerDS C4 in my hand, and it is a Cree of some sort, I'm not sure of which XR-E, definately not the Luxeon K2 as previously used.

When did the change happen and why? Nothing about it on the Streamlight site.

Where did you purchase yours from?

I called Streamlight and tech guy said they get the LEDs from various manufacturers for the Stinger LED, as long as they meet the spec for the light.


Streamlight C4 DS LED.

link to short review

I spoke to a girl at Streamlight a week or so ago, and she verified that the newer Stinger LED's were Cree. She also said that unlike the K2's, the Cree's were brighter. I am trying to find a vendor to get one from.
