Stripping flame ano from Ti


Oct 10, 2007
Great South Bay, LINY
There's lots of information on the forum about stripping HA and HAIII from aluminum, but I can't find anything about removing flame ano from titanium.

I started experimenting yesterday, using a a gel drain cleaner which has NaOH in it. It cleaned the lube from the threads, but didn't touch the color.

Today, I switched to Easy Off spray oven cleaner, which contains no lye. Several hours of treatment has removed a little, but not much.

Any ideas?

I can do that easily with the broad surfaces of this light, but the nooks-&-crannies will be tedious.

Dad has a nice " belt sander" you might contact him!:naughty:
Nitric acid may work, but there are a bunch of safety concerns when using it.
I strongly advice against "playing" with Nitric acid... one of the nastiest acids I've worked with (in a proper lab). Definitely not for the occasional backyard chemist.
No more chemicals. I've started working on it at my polishing station.

I'm using 15 micron sandpaper and 3-ought ScotchBrite for the broad smooth sections, and 3M Radial disks for the nooks and crannies.

I lock the handpiece of my Foredom into a vise, and chuck the pieces of the light into it with some arbors Mirage_Man made for me. Then I spin the piece and hold the sandpaper or ScotchBrite, in narrow strips, against it.

For the hard to reach places, I mount the radial disks on a Dremel, and spin them in the opposite direction.

After all the ano is removed, I'll go to finer sandpaper (I have 5 and .5 micron), and finer radial disks to finish.
It's the Erin A19 which was flamed by LumaFist:



After an hour of work:


I've got about 90% off the body and 75% off the tail. Haven't touched the head yet.
A bit better now. 99% done. There are still a couple of small spots with ano. It seems some penetrated more deeply, or is tougher to abrade off.
