Strobe on P2D / P3D experience ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
Has anyone used the strobe function on P2D / P3D in anger ?

As a tactical deterrent against bad person / dog ?

Was it effective ?

Is the frequency of operation proven in any way ?

I haven't dared look directly at the beam, but I do find the reflected off wall effect disturbing.
i have a couple of lights with strobe function including the P2D. i also have 5 dogs. they pay no attention to the strobe whatsoever.:popcorn:
I've used it for novelty. I have a 6ft privacy fence in my backyard and there's a stop sign at the corner. The other day in the evening about 2hrs before sunset, I was having fun strobing the stop sign with the P3D. Since there was so much ambient light around my beam couldn't be seen, so the stop sign looked like it was self luminous and strobing. lol It made ppl come to a complete I wish I could have seen the reactions though. I use mine on my Jack Russell when he's doing something naughty, it does make him pay attention, I don't think he likes it too much.
I was thinking the strobe might be good as an attention getter. Say a friend, spouse, etc, is trying to find you in a crowd, a parking lot, etc. You just point the strobe at them to get them to see where you are at and hope you don't temporarily blind them. :)
Would be of great use if lost in the woods.
The search party could probably spot that from miles away!
The frequency of the strobe on the Striker VG is the most effective in disorienting......they did plenty of tests on it......
LOL ! My cat chases the light around. Pepper spray, hollow points, edged weapon, blow to the temple = Deterents.
ScooterBug said:
i have a couple of lights with strobe function including the P2D. i also have 5 dogs. they pay no attention to the strobe whatsoever.:popcorn:
Next door's cat seems to find my L2D CE very soothing while he's taking a dump in my garden. I think a bit more lead in the beam would help...........
From a tactical point of view, I see the Fenix P2D strobe as a distraction rather than deterrent. It doesn't work on my two dogs and my cat looks at me like I'm stupid. My wife and children find it just plain annoying.

It does however, grab someone's attention easily at night. I left it on the boot of my car strobing whilst waiting for someone in a dark area. They saw it from a long way off. I also used it a few nights ago to signal a security guard who could not locate my position over a radio. It worked fine.
My cat likes to chomp on my leg every now and then. Tried using the strobe to stop him. Made no difference and he bit me anyway. He dislikes loud noise more than bright lights.
could tap a cat on the back (street darkness) The animal was totally distracted by the strobe I held fixed in the other hand. Man did he run!
For the short time I had my P3D I tried to avoid using the strobe function around my dogs as one has epilipsy and I didn't want to take the chance of giving her a seizure.

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