{{ Stuff that just works }}


Has anyone mentioned Gorilla Tape
It's much more of a fix than regular old duck tape for sure.

Tough, very sticky & strong
Gorilla Glue, absolutely! Fantastic product.
Gorilla Tape, have had average results with it if I'm honest.
Have had much better results with T-Rex Tape.
And I'm not the only one....
NASCAR teams call it "200mph tape" when they use it on the after a crash and go back on the track.

When our family lived in Okinawa, it was referred to as Typhoon Tape. Whenever a typhoon was headed toward the island, the military personnel were instructed to seal all the windows and doors so the seawater wasn't blown into the Air Force-owned housing.
NASCAR teams call it "200mph tape" when they use it on the after a crash and go back on the track.

Called BearBond tape,, used for long time in motorsports.
nascar has its own wording for things & used only by nascar.

...may have to look into getting some T-Rex Tape
There's a product made for wrapping joist to prevent rotting, or at least slow it down.

So I had my front door knob & lock just fall apart last week.
How?, not certain at the time (it's wasn't some weird off brand either)

My new lever lock arrived yesterday and I installed it today.
Thing is, taking off the old one was a real journey.
You could see how it was ridiculously overengineered and had tons of unnecessary parts/tabs/just stupid bits in it.
All that extra crap is what made it fail, for you engineers out there...

Installed my Schlage lever door lock,, super simple and solid
= Looks good too.
My car is a 2008 Grand Marquis with Gold and Chrome trim, and a landeau vinyl roof.

About 5 years ago, the vinyl started to split. I took it to a friend's place to have it sealed and painted, thinking that would cost less than having it replaced. Even at that time, I figured that replacement would cost more than the car was worth. When he refused to paint vinyl, I decided to get some Flex Seal, and have a go at it myself.

I bought a quart, and brushed it on. My brother exclaimed, "You put it on with a brush? There's no denying that you're your Father's son!" LOL, my Dad would have said, "A man riding by on a fast horse 50 feet away, will never see the difference."

IMO, it came out pretty well. Yes there were brush marks, but at least the splits were water proofed. If water gets underneath the vinyl, and freezes during the winter, it will cause the vinyl to pull away and get really ratty looking.

It held up for three years. The next time I bought some spray cans. The spray didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but it was sealed up again. It also didn't hold up as well, and needed to be reapplied a year and a half later.

OMG, I hadn't realized how terrible it had started to look.

So here's a before and after picture. I expect the Flex Seal to hold up for another three years. It'll remain soft and flexible. Although I haven't needed it to seal any leaks, anywhere, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. It is easy to apply, is very sticky, dries quickly, and is relatively long lasting.



Right up there with duck tape & 4-in-1 screwdrivers,
good old 5-gallon bucket

If you only have one, go get a couple more
$2.99 at Menards right now
While I'm at it, these single wall titanium cups are equally as awesome in their own right. Really like the little Toaks and that brand is much less expensive than the Snow Peak stuff, but I've always had a slight obsession with cool Japanese made stuff and the culture in general. These can be thrown straight on the stove or over a campfire to heat up food or drink. I use these things daily.


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Shrink wrap is perfect to make a grippy surface on a straight tool, without dealing with glue residue in the future like you would with any kind of adhesive tape.

This mechanical pencil is probably a cheap copy of some fancy brand, but I've been using it since high school and throughout college, so going on twenty years. It has sentimental value.
Plus it's my only two-stage click pencil (a hard press on the tail extends and retracts the whole front nib, while a softer press advances the lead), which is pretty cool.

The original rubber grip broke apart from hydrolisis long ago, and this week I thought, "why not make a new grip with shrink wrap?". It worked. Now it's uglier than ever, but it has the exact texture and width I like.

It's not a stretch to think of applying this to screwdrivers, pliers handles and other such tools. Even small smooth-bodied flashlights.
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1105 hours
just over 46 days without a well or running water,, till this morning

Did I become one with frontier life or some bushcraft lifestyle? no, it was a fundamental hassle.

Stuff that just works,, running water!!:):)

1105 hours
just over 46 days without a well or running water,, till this morning

Did I become one with frontier life or some bushcraft lifestyle? no, it was a fundamental hassle.

Stuff that just works,, running water!!:):)
Wow, my condolences. I can live comfortably in a house with no power, but not without water.

1105 hours
just over 46 days without a well or running water,, till this morning

Did I become one with frontier life or some bushcraft lifestyle? no, it was a fundamental hassle.

Stuff that just works,, running water!!:):)
Does this mean your water is back up and running?
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The plastic referee whistle just works when you need to grab attention using sound.
Works in traffic, on loud construction sites, airports or nearly anywhere a loud sound is required to get people's attention.
Working around water, I generally prefer the pea-less whistles vs. the more common type. One less thing to go wrong