Sub C size - why not?


Sep 7, 2006
Wigan, UK
why no Sub C size 1.2v ni-mh powered torches

personally i think it would be a nice form factor
there widely available in the r/c world
fair enough theres no "standard" chargers for them
but im sure there could be

so why isnt this size used??

let me know your thoughts
You know what, you may be onto something very important here. Sub-C would be perfect for powering a high-output incandescent. Sub-C is good up to many 10s of amps current draw. If you could make a bulb that ran at 1.2 volts, but with a high current, you could make in incandescent pocket screamer! At 10 amps, that would be 12 watts (about a ROP-LO). A 4500 mAh Sub-C would be good for about 20 minutes of useful runtime.
Surefire and Streamlight make several Sub C sized lights. The problem is that they make them into proprietary packs.

What one can do is cut down and rethread C sized mag tubes to use as hosts.
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Yes, there are lights with sub c, what is the problem ? When you can, you build a very good replacement battery self. I make this sometimes, at example an 3.000 mAh for Pelican M9, an very good light in my opinion.
Today the Ni-Mh Sub C have high capacity but also a high self-discharge rate. They go rapidly bad, if you left it for 2 Weeks full charged.

8X, 9N with homemade 4000 mAh pack --> 1.5+ hours output

but only one cell?
thick and not a good runtime
18650 beats this setup in size (thickness is awful to put in pocket), runtime & output (full 1 A @ led possible, but not with a single Ni-Mh)

short: makes no sense imho
Today the Ni-Mh Sub C have high capacity but also a high self-discharge rate. They go rapidly bad, if you left it for 2 Weeks full charged.
Yep... and they're probably going to stay that way. Manufacturers have little reason to adopt the LSD chemistry for SubC cells, considering the RC people are practically the only ones who buy them, and they want as much capacity as possible and don't care about high self-discharge.
thanks for the feed back

didnt know about the high discharge

still think its a nice size

ill have lots of them about from my old r/c days so ill have to look at some of these that take them


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