Suggest improvements to the NiteCore D10 / EX10 version 2.0 thread


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
Ok it's been almost a week since I got the D10 and playing with it non-stop. It's a great great light, and I love using it. This is about as close to "the ultimate light" for me so far.

However, if the world was perfect, and I could change a couple things with it to make it even greater, here's what I would change:

1. instead of click-hold to go to max, change it so click-click goes to min / max on alternate cycles. For example, if I want min, click click. If I want max, click-click again, and boom it goes to max.

This would seem easier than click-press/hold. I find myself trying to go to max by "click-click" than doing the "click-press" at times, and vice versa with trying to go to min. If it alternated from min to max with click-click, it would take less time, less effort, and less mental thought.

2. make the user adjustable setting a constant memory. In other words, the user adjustable setting is not lost when you go to min or max. So every time you single click, it goes to your last setting. To go to low, click-click, to go to max, click-click again. Simple and easy to use.

3. Make the ramp setting smarter. If you're at min, and you press and hold the button to ramp, it will automatically ramp up every time. Same if it's on max, it will ramp down every time. No need to worry about if it's ramping down when you're already on min, and ramping up when you're at max.

These suggestions would make this great light even greater imho. But as it exists right now it's very close to perfection and I do love using it! :thumbsup:
Sure, why not make this light even better?!

I like your suggestion #3 the best. It's the "Smart PD" after all--everything should be smart, including ramping! ;)

#1 would cause problems, I think, unless the light always went straight to one setting when you double clicked. If it remembered your last double click setting (but you didn't), that wouldn't be ideal. You'd end up with high when you wanted low or vice versa. Of course, if it failed to remember (which in this case would be better...a little dumbness in the Smart PD), then you'd have people who want min first and others who'd want max first.

#2 would be fine, but I personally wouldn't need that one. After playing with my EX10, I now know I'm fine without instant access to some medium setting.
I haven't received mine yet but I think a pocket clip would be good.
I also think the light should have a programmable primary level that so the light always come on at that level regardless of accessing min or max from off.
Finally I think it should have some kind of low voltage protection for rechrageables.
I know this is a lot to ask for but this is how things improve.:D
I also dislike #1. If I'm turning the light on in the morning (before my wife's awake), I don't want to inadvertently go to max when I was low. Not good for maintaining the marital bliss I have now... ;)

The only thing I'd change is that the light should know if it's already on max and min and not make you press - release - press to ramp the other way. A memory of the level you were on before a min/max jump would be nice too. For example, let's say you're on level 45/100 and you click - click to go to min. Another click click would take you back to 45/100. Ramping would be unchanged.
Not so sure about OP #1 because that would mean clicking through low everytime before going to high. That's too much clicking. I like that part of it the way it is.

But the other stuff is a great "Big 3" list of what would be great improvements, enough so that I'd probably buy the new versions and give my earlier ones away.

My "Official" PD List of Improvements is:

1. Pocket Clip. A real no-brainer.

2. The user setting should ALWAYS be the setting that the light turns on at no matter what the last setting was. If I want it to turn on at a different setting, I'll be the one to decide and reprogram it if/when I want.

3. When on MAX or MIN, the light should automatically begin to ramp the opposite direction. It's just plain silly to click and hold; and WAIT, and then click and hold and ramp in order to ramp up or down.

To be just a little cruel and direct, I also consider my own number's 2 and 3 to be no-brainers as well.
In fact, if someone in the planning stage had actually used the light before deciding the final UI design, I'm pretty sure that they would have come up with the same "complaints" and made what I'll bet would have been very easy changes.

I'm wondering if we could send our lights back to be re-flashed with these minor changes?
1. Pocket Clip. A real no-brainer.

3. When on MAX or MIN, the light should automatically begin to ramp the opposite direction. It's just plain silly to click and hold; and WAIT, and then click and hold and ramp in order to ramp up or down.

I don't think an ECD can be "perfect" without a good, minimal clip. The one on the Bitz is very nice for example.

Number#3 for sure. Zenster stated it perfectly, "Silly" I'd consider that a no brainer too and would think that would just be "flashable" to correct.
Appreciate the inputs so far guys.

The reason for #1 is because, if I want max, I have to click, and press/hold for .5 seconds anyway. I find if I click-click through low for .2 seconds, and then click-click for another .2 seconds, I've already got max. So it's .1 second faster, but even more important to me, I don't have to keep hold of the button for .5 seconds, which is far harder to do than click-click 4 times. The click is very simple tap, it's not a long distance click, so it's almost effortless for me to click, but to hold it for .5 seconds is a bit tricky, and unless I'm concentrating, my hold may waiver and I end up going to low or turning the light off.

So it's a good improvement for me, otherwise I have to concentrate a bit to get max...
LED-holic has named exactly my reasons for not buying it (yet...). But I've got a few changes. In order of importance:

1) When you jump to min or max, retain the user set level
2) The jump to max should be a hold, and to min a double click. And have the same jump sequence from on or off.
3) (if LED-holic doesn't kill me for taking part of an argument into his thread... ) if at all possible, simplify the switch to a basic PD so that it retains its reliability. The conclusion on this system's reliability is so far unclear, but not as ultra-reliable as was advertised.
4) it shouldn't be called smart if it can't figure out that it can't go any higher or lower :scowl:
Oh crap! I was happy with mine till I read this :(

I'll have to send them back now..

Just kiddin'

Everything can be improved and I think I may agree with some of the above but haven't had it long enough to comment. I would like a clip option though. Bitchin' lil' light
3. Make the ramp setting smarter. If you're at min, and you press and hold the button to ramp, it will automatically ramp up every time. Same if it's on max, it will ramp down every time. No need to worry about if it's ramping down when you're already on min, and ramping up when you're at max.

+1 I think this improvement is the highest priority, other than that I'm satisfied overall, amazing light. No idea what else could ever exceed this.

Edit: If somehow they decide to fix the circuit, it would be great if they offer the module as a separate purchase for us first run customer as an upgrade components.
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Maybe a AAA version with the ramping fixed, no? That would be fantastic.
LED-holic has named exactly my reasons for not buying it (yet...). But I've got a few changes. In order of importance:

1) When you jump to min or max, retain the user set level
2) The jump to max should be a hold, and to min a double click. And have the same jump sequence from on or off.
3) (if LED-holic doesn't kill me for taking part of an argument into his thread... ) if at all possible, simplify the switch to a basic PD so that it retains its reliability. The conclusion on this system's reliability is so far unclear, but not as ultra-reliable as was advertised.
4) it shouldn't be called smart if it can't figure out that it can't go any higher or lower :scowl:
Thanks for your input, but you should really use the UI before you decide if you will like or dislike some of the things about the D10.

That's why I held back judgement, and suggestions for improvement until I've played with the D10 to death. Just reading about somethings like the UI and deciding it should be changed is not sufficient grounds to change it, really, because you never know if you will like it or not until you've actually played with the thing for a while.

There are somethings about the D10 I thought maybe would be an issue, but after playing with it, I figured out that the issues were only my imagination and not reality.

This is a great great light, and at less than $55, a steal, whether it remains the same or not.

In fact, I was about to press the button on a second ND10, and lo and behold to my dismay Fenix-store is out of stock!!!

That makes me sad. I shouldn't have told everyone how nice it is, and kept it all to myself!!! :drool::drool::sick2::sigh::mecry::mecry:
1. change it so click-click goes to min / max on alternate cycles.

2. make the user adjustable setting a constant memory.

3. Make the ramp setting smarter. If you're at min, and you press and hold the button to ramp, it will automatically ramp up every time. Same if it's on max, it will ramp down every time.

#1 - no
#2 - no
#3 - YES!

#4 put a glow-in-the-dark o-ring between the reflector and the lens. (instead of the standard o-ring that is there now)
#1 - no
#2 - no
#3 - YES!

#4 put a glow-in-the-dark o-ring between the reflector and the lens. (instead of the standard o-ring that is there now)
+1 :thumbsup:

#1 would be horrible, at least for me. I don't like suprises, I want a separate command for each function.
#2 No, the memory is perfect. If i'm in a dark environment I want to be able to use the light at the right level for that occation without needing to "re-reamp" it every time I turn it on.
#3 Of course, that's a "no brainer"
I've got to agree with the numerous posts on this and other threads requesting that min and max be separate modes in their own right, rather than just shortcuts to min/max on the single programmable mode.

The other thing I'd like to see is a little more work on the reflector to get rid of the cree artifacts (hey, the piston drive was licenced from McGizmo, why not licence the reflector from LiteFlux :) )

I know I'm preaching to the choir when I say that the D10 is an incredible light for the $. Just a couple more tweaks....
#1 would be horrible, at least for me. I don't like suprises, I want a separate command for each function.
#2 No, the memory is perfect. If i'm in a dark environment I want to be able to use the light at the right level for that occation without needing to "re-reamp" it every time I turn it on.
#3 Of course, that's a "no brainer"

What he said. :twothumbs