Suggestions for a decent 4AA charger and cells


Mar 1, 2007
Looking for ideas for a 4 AA charger and cells for my camera. The last one I had, the cells only lasted about a year and a half. Any suggestions from firsthand experience with a particular model?
Looking for ideas for a 4 AA charger and cells for my camera. The last one I had, the cells only lasted about a year and a half. Any suggestions from firsthand experience with a particular model?

1. Formulate your needs and have a look at the forum
2. Narrow it down to a couple of models and search the forum for them.
3. Ask
1. Formulate your needs and have a look at the forum (DONE)

2. Narrow it down to a couple of models (ASKING FOR SUGGESTIONS)

and search the forum for them.
3. Ask (I AM ASKING)

Thanks for your little numbered reply and suggesting the search. I always shake my head when someone like you takes the time to reply to a post without actually helping. Just putting your little condescending remarks. I have looked around but as the post states, I'm looking for firsthand experience of what other members use and they would recommend. So if you are not going to make a recommendation of a particular charger and cells then why bother posting. If you don't like my post move on.


Sorry you did not get a more friendly response.

I've been using Eneloop AA's a good while now, because they lose their charge much less quickly than a standard NiMH. This might be particularly useful in a device like a camera which may sit dormant for a while. I use them in everything from Wii remotes to radios to my EDC Fenix 2xAA. I have not found any reliability issues. I probably have a dozen each of AA and AAA in various devices.

As for a charger, I'm using Maha brand and La Crosse brand - the latter having a little digital readout showing charging rate, capacity and so forth. I think that just about any charger would work for you, though, including one off the rack at Walmart.

Top of the line AA Chargers:
Maha C9000 or LaCrosse BC900

Maha C9000 is what I use to charge my AA. Had it for about 4 months. Solid, good features (charge/discharge/cycle/break-in)

BC900 costs less and has comparable features, but not as popular on this board due to hopefully past overheating issues (IIRC).
1. Formulate your needs and have a look at the forum (DONE)

2. Narrow it down to a couple of models (ASKING FOR SUGGESTIONS)

and search the forum for them.
3. Ask (I AM ASKING)

Thanks for your little numbered reply and suggesting the search. I always shake my head when someone like you takes the time to reply to a post without actually helping. Just putting your little condescending remarks. I have looked around but as the post states, I'm looking for firsthand experience of what other members use and they would recommend. So if you are not going to make a recommendation of a particular charger and cells then why bother posting. If you don't like my post move on.

If you really have looked at the forum, you'd have found tons of "firsthand experience" with tons of chargers.
Now, if you wanted to ask a real question and get a real answer you could, at least, kindly have specified the following:
1. What are the charger and cells you are currently using? Only a year and a half, may be more than good service life life for low quality cells.
2. How often you are using the cells?
3. What are your demands on the charger, i.e. fast slow, analyzing?
4. Your budget?

It may well be that your current charger is good enough, and you just have been using crappy cells.

I didn't mean to offend you or enything, but your question sounded like: Please recommend me a decent 4 wheel car 'cause my last one is no good.
1. Formulate your needs and have a look at the forum (DONE)

2. Narrow it down to a couple of models (ASKING FOR SUGGESTIONS)

and search the forum for them.
3. Ask (I AM ASKING)
The search facility internal to the bulletin board is rather weak. But the sitesearch using Google at the top of the page is great. You can also get there from here

Keyword(s): "recommend charger" , "negative delta" "independent channel" , eneloop , "voltage cutoff" "missed termination"

...on with the show,
...I have looked around but as the post states, I'm looking for firsthand experience of what other members use and they would recommend...
If you really have looked at the forum, you'd have found tons of "firsthand experience" with tons of chargers...

...I didn't mean to offend you or enything, but your question sounded like: Please recommend me a decent 4 wheel car 'cause my last one is no good.
I agree with NiOOH's point about "If you really have looked at the forum..." because then I would imagine the question on your lips would be:

Why do so many people recommend the Maha MH-C9000 and Eneloops?

Flashlight Electronics - Batteries Included - Threads of Interest
Good Information on Chargers and Batteries!​
Looking for ideas for a 4 AA charger and cells for my camera. The last one I had, the cells only lasted about a year and a half. Any suggestions from firsthand experience with a particular model?

Maha C9000 - Has break-in feature and good analysis capabilities.

Eneloops - Higher voltage under load than other cells, (this means they last a lot longer before the camera shuts itself down) and low self discharge.

My first hand experience involves about 40 Eneloop AAs and 16 AAAs, a C9000, 801D and a 401FS, and a bunch of other chargers and cells that I don't use any more.

Thanks Powernoodle, odessit and digitor. I will check those out. ;)

Again, I guess just see things differently, if I want to Google search the web I would not come to CPF to get information and other member's opinions. I think you either help the member and answer the question or post a link to a previous thread. But playing moderator and telling people to use the search or read every thread gets old and clutters up the post. Personally I don't care if I see the same question asked several times. Maybe try sitting back, not posting and move on to the next thread. I'm done with this issue. I think I have made myself clear, either post about a charger and cells or move on.
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Again, I guess just see things differently, if I want to Google search the web I would not come to CPF to get information and other member's opinions.

The suggestion was made just to help yourself get through the followup questions the will be sure to follow (and based upon my own experience with the forum). The Google search (at the top of the page) will only search the forum and not the entire web. Enjoy your stay, here

P.S. My suggestion is the Camelion BC-905a available for under $20 (also available at Meijer Powercell Intelligent 2-hour charger) with four LSD batteries. It is a sleeper of a charger that continues to impress me with how it handles older and newer batteries.

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Do you think you want LSD cells, or highest capacity? You have probably read the usual suspects, eneloops, duraloops, hybrio's, kodack, radio shack even has an LSD.
Not LSD:
Duracell 2650's, Sanyo 2700's.

I dunno if you are looking for the best, or what, but one combination I would like to read results on is the Titanium power enduro LSD from battery junction. 4 pc's and case 6$

Then you could order the Titanium 1hr quick charger (TP-1HR) at the same time and give us an update on it. It's a 4 channel smart charger with a 2 amp charge rate. I don't have any first hand experience with it though.

Costco, if you have one, still has the eneloop pack sometimes. They also have a Duracell LSD pack but it features the Chinese Duracell's and only a 2 cell charger, so I guess that one is out.

What's your budget, do you prefer to buy local, and do you want to be able to cycle your batteries and read capacity?

I bought the Lacrosse tech BC-900 that includes 4AA and 4AAA batteries. It has worked well for me, but I don't have the Maha to compare with, that seems to be a very popular choice.
Looking for ideas for a 4 AA charger and cells for my camera. The last one I had, the cells only lasted about a year and a half. Any suggestions from firsthand experience with a particular model?

Tom (silverfox) should point you in the right direction. :poke:

I currently own a Pentax K100D Super and it is rough on AA cells.
Good cells are important, but IMHO a GOOD charger will take you to a different level. I'm using Hybrio cells and a Maha 808M charger, and I am getting just tons and tons of images from a single charge.

I don't know if it's just luck..... maybe I have found the right combination of cells and charger.