Surefire 6P Led problem(s)


Newly Enlightened
Feb 12, 2009
Hello CPF!

I have a Surefire 6P Led which I have a few problems with. The main problem is that the flashlight does not deliver a steady output. It very fast dims, and it starts to blink rapidly is this normal after little use. And I am not so very impressed with the light of it.

And the batteries also rattle inside the light, quite annoying, if i put a few round of tapes on the batteries it does not rattle but I'm not interested in doing that every time I change batteries.

So is this normal for this light? If so can I buy a new LED drop in to fix this problem, a drop in which deliver a STEADY and constant light, who does not fade out fast and blink rapidly.
Re: Surefire 6PL problem(s)

Have you tried replacing the batteries with fresh SF123As purchased from a SureFire Dealer?

For clarity and to avoid confusion it is better to use the model number (6PL) rather than the model name (6P LED) to ensure everybody is discussing the same model.

If your 6PL is exhibiting a drop in output even after you have tried several sets of new batteries (preferrably your trouble shooting includes fresh SF123As and a fresh DL123As purchased from a regular store so to eliminate the possibility of a duff set of batteries)
then it sounds like something could be wrong with the P60L LED Lamp Assembly. In which case I suggest you call SureFire.

Whilst there are plenty of aftermarket drop-ins, some of which are far better than others I feel it worth making sure it's not a battery issue first.

As for the battery rattle - how hard are you shaking the 6PL to cause the two SF123A batteries to rattle?

Al :)
Thanks for fast reply!

Yes I have tried several batteries to ensure its not them. They are original SF batteries which has expire date in 2016 and 2017.

And I do not need to shake the light hard for the batteries to rattle, if I remove the batteries or put a round or two with tape on them then the light does not rattle.

But I think its so strange that the light starts to blink rapidly and the light fades so much.
Are you saying that you are using a pair of batteries that have different expiry dates? When you purchased them from a SureFire Dealer (not ebay) they came in the same box?

How many different sets of batteries have you tried?
The batteries are purchased from a local SF dealer here I live, not ebay or something like that. I have tried three diffrent sets of batteries. Two sets who have expire date in 2016, thats four batteries. And one set which have expire date in 2017, thats two batteries.


I also see a ring in the beam if i use the flashlight close to something. For example a wall, I see a little ring inside the beam. A little hard to explain but I dont have a camera for right now.
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The batteries in my 6PL rattle a bit when you move the light back and forth. It doesn't have to be shaken to hear it.
Thank you for the answer mate!

I will contact Surefire about my problem(s)
Since Surefire dont reply on my email, neither on my calls to them ill just buy a led dropin to my light.

But what do you recommend? I know that Malkoff is good stuff, but I need a light with high output that can throw the light far, not just infront of my legs.

What should i get from Malkoff?
Since Surefire dont reply on my email, neither on my calls to them ill just buy a led dropin to my light.

But what do you recommend? I know that Malkoff is good stuff, but I need a light with high output that can throw the light far, not just infront of my legs.

What should i get from Malkoff?
M60 - 235 lumens - if that's not enough, I give up:laughing:

Good luck,

Since Surefire dont reply on my email, neither on my calls to them ill just buy a led dropin to my light.

But what do you recommend? I know that Malkoff is good stuff, but I need a light with high output that can throw the light far, not just infront of my legs.

What should i get from Malkoff?

They sometimes take a while to respond to emails but usually do in the end and I'm sure they will sort you out.

But buy a Malkoff M60 as well :D
If I were having both these issues with my 6PL I'd be on the phone with Surefire and trying to get the entire light exchanged.

I paid a premium for my 6PL, I feel I got my money's worth too, but you certainly are not (at this point).
Just to to update whats happend lately:

Almost a month after i emailed SF i got a worthless reply which did not help me at all. So im still having issues, and I have concluded that I will buy a Malkoff led insert.

And one thing is for sure, I am never gonna buy a new Surefire flashlight or equipment again. I will rather go to one of there competitions who appriciate their customers and give them the customer support they want.
If my Surefire light was not working properly I would be on the phone calling them, forget about email and I sure would not wait 30 days for a response. However, that being said, I have had a problem with my P60 lamp assembly. When I called Surefire the Gentleman did a paper clip test and said, "What is your address?" I told him and 4 days later I had a new assembly no questions asked!
So you called SureFire in business hours and they didn't answer?
That's very strange.

However, since you have clearly given up - there is no longer any issue. You're satisfied and can move on.

If you're not satisfied I suggest you give them a call and I'm sure they'll sort things out.

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