GPB, I agree with you. It funny that you mentioned the anecdote. On Tuesday, when I got an email from Malkoff telling us that he has M60 available. I immediately jumped on his website and ordered one. My coworker saw me ordering something and asked what I was getting. When I told him that I spent $70 on an LED drop-in module, he was like :thinking:. He was inquisitive (not in a condscending manner) of why I spent so much on an LED module. I simply told him, "same reason why you spend $300 on a custom made leather strap for your watch". Many people place values on different things ... my coworkers easily spent 3 to 4 times the amount av average person is willing to spend on a watch ... and he's only getting a strap that does nothing but decorates his watch!
Regarding 6P vs 6P clones. In general, all flashlights will fail at some point, and according to Mr. Murphy, it will normally do so in the worst of times. I bought the 6P for $40 off ebay and I love it (it's solid chunk of metal). I'm the type that values the quality, workmanship, and reputation, brand name, customer service, etc. I end up spending an extra $30 for a z59 clicky tailcap and $70 for Malkoff M60 drop in. Total cost for the modified 6P is $130. I also purchased the Solarforce L2 with R2 drop in for $29 off ebay (just for kicks). The solarforce is about 1.5 ounces lighter than the 6P, which means it's not as thick, but overall it's very impressive considering the price (I'm not a big fan of strike bezel though). I know that if my 6P breaks, I could get replacement from SF, but if my Solarforce breaks, I'm just SOL. But at $29 a pop, if one breaks, buy another one. If you break your Solarforce 4 times and replace them each time, you would essentially get a modded 6P. The difference is whether you want for fork out over $120+ today or over the course of many many years.
There will always be people who would be firm in standing behind SF ... either because they want to justify their expensive purchase or their job truly demands the durability or reliabilty. As for me, I'm not going to justify that I spent a lot on my 6P. I know for the same amount of money, I could own several clones, but I feel good and proud of owning a 6P. Also,
I'm not an LEO, so reliability is not truly an issue. I rather place value on redundancies (read: multiple flashlights) instead of putting all my eggs in one basket.
So, in conclusion, I think what you get depends on what you value and your financial situation. Also, there's no reasons why they both cannot co-exist. :twothumbs If you looking for a 6P clone, I think many would agree that Solarforce L2 is one of the better ones out there.
I have a 6P clone and a G2Led, and am relatively new here. As far as I can tell, there are 2 types of people that appreciate the Surefires. Those that just really like the quality of them, and those that depend on their lights for serious reasons. The quality folks are paying for more than just a light...its a craftsmanship thing.....kind of like a Rolex. A Rolex doesn't do anything a Timex can't do for a fraction of the cost....but some people just really appreciate something that's made very well, especially in this day of mass produced, disposable, imported stuff. The other group is usually law enforcement/military/security kind of folks that carry guns for more than a decoration. For that crowd, the extra durability and dependability is worth the premium price paid for a quality light. The average suburban dog walker doesn't need a $75 flashlight. He might like it, but he doesn't need it. If his light fails on him, he's still going to make it home OK. If you need to light up a room to see if there's any bad guys in it, and your light doesn't work, you might not make it home.
A coworker noticed a Surefire cataloge on my desk with some notes I had made and asked me how much a particular light cost. When I told him, he said it was just plain stupid to spend that on a light( I am genuinely coveting the E1B Backup )....I asked him what his BMW can legally do that my Honda couldn't do for 1/3 the cost and he said "That's car is a great car, with much higher resale...." I said my Surefire would be a great light with better resale, and he walked away in disgust. Oh well.