Surefire A2 Aviator color recommendation


Dec 16, 2003
I'd like to pick up an incandescent A2 aviator and have a choice of LED color: white, and yellow-green. Any recommendations? Should I hold out for another color?

This will mostly be used for datacenter work, e.g. looking down cable trays, in dark server cabinets, etc. I might press it into service for camping/fishing.
For that sort of application, having a white flood beam to go with the incandescent spot beam is useful. So white would be my recommendation.
Only problem is the "white" LEDs, are pretty darn blue. If you like a really cool tint to your white LEDs, thats fine. But I would recommend yellow-green if you can find it. Excellent contrast and easy on the eyes at night.
I'd like to pick up an incandescent A2 aviator and have a choice of LED color: white, and yellow-green. Any recommendations? Should I hold out for another color?

This will mostly be used for datacenter work, e.g. looking down cable trays, in dark server cabinets, etc. I might press it into service for camping/fishing.

Not that I question your pick, but what made you pick that light?
I like incandescent lights but didn't want to carry a second light for a power saving low mode. Bonus points given to it for its regulation, because I'm a nerd.
I like incandescent lights but didn't want to carry a second light for a power saving low mode. Bonus points given to it for its regulation, because I'm a nerd.

Well there you go. Sounds like a perfect match.

I'd go white. Only reason I'd use green is hog hunting. I also don't mind a nice crisp cool blue light.
The A2 was a superb flashlight.
For fishing I like the red one.

If you need acurate color rendition the white one is lacking there. If you just want light in darkness, it puts out an old school LED looking beam.

Against a white box.
Have you considered a light weight (hands free) headlamp such as Petzl Tactikka +RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Clear 350lms is a 3 level concentrated round floody beam, no doubt a Cree pure white tint. Runtimes, especially RGB, are wicked long. Headband is ultra comfortable and can be worn for hours without feeling like your head is in a vice
...Against a white box.

looks like @Lumen83 is spot on when he said it's blue.
For me, it's still the best all around choice assuming yellow-green looks like i imagine...but I I would believe it if someone said otherwise.
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I know some replaced the stock "angry blue" leds with those hi CRI Yuji 5mm ones and had good results. Those are also available in warm white. They only seem to sell them in packs of 1000 on their website tho & warm is currently sold out.
I have an A2 with the LEDs swapped to 3200K hi CRI Yujis. It's a huge improvement over the stock cool white emitters, although the Yujis are actually too warm for my preference. I was hoping to match the incandescent color temp, but now the incandescent is noticeable cooler than the LEDs!
There's also those high CRI Sofia 5mm emitters that Sofirn used in the C01 after they used the Yuji LEDs. I'm not familiar with the A2 and how hard they are to mod, but if you really want the best of both incan and LED, I'd really recommend a modern 5mm over a cold blue white or a yellow-green.
The A2 LEDs are not very difficult to modify if you're competent with a soldering iron. The ring is held into the head with three small Phillips head screws and the LEDs are thru-hole soldered to the ring.

There are also three surface mount resistors (0805 size), one in series with each LED. Those should be changed to higher values, depending on the LEDs used. When I modded a green ring to 3200K Yuji, I changed the 33 Ohm resistors to 100 Ohm to bring the drive current down to 26 mA per LED.
Another source is www (dot) ledsales (dot) com (dot) au, and enter the search words, '5mm CRI' for a couple of high CRI choices. You can buy them individually for cheap. As I remember, the shipping costs aren't cheap, but since it is expressed in Australian dollars, it isn't as bad as it first appears. Options, options...
I'd like to pick up an incandescent A2 aviator and have a choice of LED color: white, and yellow-green. Any recommendations? Should I hold out for another color?

This will mostly be used for datacenter work, e.g. looking down cable trays, in dark server cabinets, etc. I might press it into service for camping/fishing.


Be aware, you will go through batteries (non rechargeable) at a pretty good pace. Runtime is about 50 minutes if I recall. 2x123 cells.
For bulb replacement you can look at lumens factory or tad customs on eBay. Lumens factory makes bulbs similar in style to the ma02 surefire build. Tad customs is a bi pin bulb holder you put bulbs in. He sells the bulbs as well. I have a lumens factory in my a2 and it works fine. Will get the tad holder some day.
I have a Lumens Factory in one user, a Tad's in another user and the rest are stock shelf queens.

I prefer the beam of the Tads but push in bi-pin can become an issue due to the holes over sizing over time leading to the bulb falling out under diress. Plus if I'm not mistaken Tads went out of business.

Lumens Factory bulb modules are pretty close to stock reliability with an improved beam over stock and……they're available.

The stock module can be found but geez they're pricey these days. I'd go with the Lumens Factory if it were my first A2 and if the stock bulb module still works I'd stash that sucker……quickly.

The white A2 is my favorite.