Surefire A2 vs. Streamlight Twin Task 2L


Newly Enlightened
Feb 14, 2007
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
I was out shovelling snow tonight and decided to, uh, play, no I mean, test, my two new flashlights. The Twin Task is supposedly 72 lumens on high, according to Streamlight's website, and the A2 is supposedly 50 lumens on high, according to the Surefire website.

I'm not sure what the distance is, but I stood across the street and tried to light up my house numbers, probably 60 or 70 feet. The Streamlight didn't light up the numbers at all but I could easily see the numbers with the A2.

My wife, who thinks I'm crazy for buying expensive flashlights (among other things) was even impressed.

What's the moral of the story? First, it turns out you get what you pay for. The A2 is quite a bit more expensive than the Twin Task 2L. Second, it seems lumens ratings aren't everything.

I still have a D-Mini on the way, should be interesting to compare it as well. I wonder if there are any mods around that would improve the Twin Task? Oh, and does anyone know why Surefire includes an 18" lanyard with the A2?

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keysandslots said:
....The Twin Task is supposedly 72 lumens on high, according to Streamlight's website, and the A2 is supposedly 50 lumens on high, according to the Surefire website.

I'm not sure what the distance is, but I stood across the street and tried to light up my house numbers, probably 60 or 70 feet. The Streamlight didn't light up the numbers at all but I could easily see the numbers with the A2.

What's the moral of the story? First, it turns out you get what you pay for. The A2 is quite a bit more expensive than the Twin Task 2L. Second, it seems lumens ratings aren't everything.
Different manufacturers measure lumens in different ways, so you can't rely on these numbers for comparing lights from different companies. There has been a LOT of discussion about this here.

Take a look at Output and Throw Chart. For the SL TT 2L (incand) the throw/overall output numbers are 24.87 and 35 and for the SF A2 (incand) the numbers are 45 and 57. When you measure different things in the same way, you get useful results.
Keysandslots: welcome to CPF. Take most mfrs' lumen Output ratings with a large grain of salt.

The A2's Output is definitely under-rated. However, to rate it vs. the SL TT2L really kinda requires knowing where the latter's batteries were in their life-cycle.

On stone-fresh batteries, the SL TT2L could give the A2 some competition. However, because the SL TT is not "regulated," its output will likely start to fade about 15 minutes into a fresh set of 123s.

Not so, however, with the SF A2 (which, BTW, does come w/a lanyard)... thanks to its regulation which maintains a nice level output for about 50 minutes (on equal quality batteries). That's what separates the A2 from other incan lights -- as well as that oft-overlooked (but huge!) "beam quality" element.

As to your wife's assessment re your mental state for buying "expensive" flashlights: bear in mind that most females are simply born with a gene that prohibits their understanding of the sheer necessity of (and technical aspects of) things like guns, knives, and flashlights. Combined with prevailing cultural conditioning, this explains why they insist on ditz-brained behavior like blowing $200+ for "designer" shoes and handbags... and dragging us *cough* Insensitive Male Neanderthals to hopelesly boring chick-flicks where pretty actors just talk and show their, um, Feelings for 2 long hours... without ever getting into serious car-chases and shoot-outs. (Been There/Done That/Lesson Learned).

Maybe you'll be lucky enough in your next marriage to find a babe who (a) accepts flashlights/guns/etc. for their true tactical relevance, and (b) doesn't yak about Fashion/Feelings/He-Said/She-Said stuff during Super Bowl football live action on TV, and (c) doesn't want to re-mold you into some ideal/sensitive/metrosexual male who (1) is weapons and flashlight averse, and (2) cries during films like "Message In a Ya-Ya Sisterhood Tuscan Bottle!" (Good luck!)
keysandslots said:
The A2 does seem to be a love it or hate it light. So far, I'm happy with mine. It works well, looks cool and I'm new at this so perhaps ignorance is bliss.

Surefire quality shines through in most of their products, and few buyers are unhappy with their purchases. I don't think that "ignorance is bliss," but a certain tool can work better for some people than for others. I look forward to more advanced LED offerings from Surefire, but I'm not holding my breath.

For more, see Sure, Surefire is going Cree... but when?
Some thoughts on the A2 vs. the TT 2L:

Not only the beam is better on the A2 but also the size! The A2 is easily pocketable. The 2L is not.

Also, the switching action of the A2 is far superior to the 2L.

Finally, there is the build quality: HA, aircraft aluminum, pyrex lens, etc.

But, I've said all this at great length in my SF A2 thread, so I'll leave it at that.
Thanks everyone for the insight. The 2L has a fresh set of batteries, at least it was brand new so I'm assuming the batteries are fresh. TonkinWarrior, my wife is really not so bad. I have so many hobbies, and I'm kinda odd as well, so she's put up with that for the last too many years. I'm not ready to trade her in on a new model yet.

You wanna know about the A2, you read JS's thread on it. More than you'd ever be able to remember, for sure...

All around, I don't know if the A2 has a real competitor. Sure, there are other lights that may exceed what it can do in some areas, but all around, I just don't know..
You do still get what you pay for to an extent. The Fenix is a nice light and the new LED technology changes the cost/benefit ratio a little, but greater overall output and a smaller size are the only things the L1D and L2D have over the A2. There are a lot more useability, durability, and lifetime support factors involved in the true value of a light.

europium said:
Not necessarily.

Compare what you get for $175.00:

with what you get for $55.00:

The lights, they are a-changin'.
The Streamlight Tasklight 2L is a different animal with excellent throw. It is a lot cheaper than the A2 - $54 on

I have one and it is very reliable.
I remember when the Streamlight TT 1st came out. I checked one out at a Brookstone's in a mall. At the time I couldn't justify spending $40 for a flashlight.

$40 is now my least expensive light!

I love this place.
keysandslots said:
The Twin Task is supposedly 72 lumens on high, according to Streamlight's website, and the A2 is supposedly 50 lumens on high, according to the Surefire website.

I doubt the TT is 72 lumens on high, but it is possible for that initial output anyway. Surefire claims the A2s output is at 50 lumens while a celebrated modder of ours [Mcgizmo] tested the A2 to be almost 80 lumens
As has been mentioned already, the size of the A2 and it's switching are far better than the TT2L. I'd give the A2 build quality as well. My A2 has a whiter incan beam the than the TT, even when the TT has fresh batteries. Also my TT2L loves incan devours batteries. The TT is not a bad light, the A2 is just a much more refined hybrid than the TT. In this case you get what you pay for is true!