Surefire AA lights

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2003
houston, tx
I saw this light at
"Icon Rogue 1 RG101A RG104A RG102A"
It's say "Designed by Paul Kim at SureFire"
Anybody know anything about this light?
There's a couple of recent threads on them. They look interesting (not for me though).
There are a couple threads already.
It is designed by Paul Kim of Surefire, but not a surefire product. The crush/dent-able outside wall ribs are a real turnoff for me (clutz who drops things often).
PK's ideals really changed on these lights...they don't look like PK'd lights to me....:shakehead

If you look at the full range of lights PK has been involved in, I am not sure his "ideals" are that easy to fathom. I believe he sets his design goals on the intended use and function of the light and in consideration of the target market. For a mainstream light as I believe the ICON is intended, using AA batteries makes sense as does a larger package that is more in keeping with what the users are familiar with. Price is obviously also a significant consideration with these lights.
SureFire AA lights don't exist ...........or do they. I have a AA prototype. 2 AA in a long body with a KX2 head. pretty bright with 2 light levels.
As for PK, Paul Kim, right?

What McGizmo said is right. Design that meets where and when it to be used is the way he design stuffs, and the idea is not to be overlooked because that's what premium light should be. After all, that's what made surefire famous.

Then, when it comes to icon rogue, it's not from surefire itself, but surely from PK's design. It's new approach for him to take for mainstream market, yet still be able to maintain legendary durability of surefire.

Here's a link of a picture that tells you how reliable the icon rogue is. Think about the amount of demage it has gotten, and the LED still is working. I call that a reliability.
SureFire AA lights don't exist ...........or do they. I have a AA prototype. 2 AA in a long body with a KX2 head. pretty bright with 2 light levels.

GIMME! GIMME! I'd LOVE a black HA 2AA Surefire body for my E1B head...
Ok, as far as I know of... here's what happened to that light. Still sounds crazy to me though.

While Paul Kim was on business trip to korea at december last year, PK gave the light in the picture to bunch of flashaholics there for their what they called "smack down test" which is crazy. It has been beaten, thrown to the concrete ground more than 10 times from 2 meters above, and that was not by any means gentle care. The light still works after such abuse. This made them wow, but they decided give it more "test" till its death. After few more rounds of throwing to the ground, direct stoning to it, and jump and stomp on it, they stopped because the light finally went off. Then what they found was blown energize batteries, not the LED module itself. They took the head off from the body, wired it with new battery and it worked. The pic shown there was taken at that moment.

Full review can be found here. Don't need to read them all, the pics explains all what happened.
Amzaing. Isn't it?
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