surefire e series 2 mode question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2009
hi, im looking at buying a new 2 mode e series light, i wondered how there 2 mode system works ? is it in the tail or the head - the reason is ive seen 2 mode tailcaps for sale and wondered how it would work ? what happens when you put a Nex head on a e1l ?
For the E series specifically the E1L/E2L and the E1B/E2DL the electronics for selecting output are in the head to select the modes.

The 2 mode tailcaps seen around are most likely the older twisty tailcaps that have been modded with a MCE2S switch. The switch works like a L1/LX2, push slightly for low, push in fully for high. They are no longer being made so if you can score one, grab it!
thanks for that, clears it up ! so i take it L1 still works that way then ?