Surefire E1L Cree Run Plot


Newly Enlightened
May 23, 2005

Did anybody completed run time plot for the latest E1L Cree 3/45 ? I see E2L that looks great, L1 - that doesn't look that good, but no E1L. How is Surefire's 8 hors on high looks like, what is really full power and where diminishing power start?


I want to know too.

E2L also :)

You find the E2L plot here.

What is interesting is that in the SF catalog (back in the specifications part) the runtime of the E2L is specified to be 6 hours while the runtime of the E1L is specified to be 4 hours. When looking at how well the 6 hours specified for the E2L match the above linked runtime test, I suspect 4 hours for the E1L will be very close to the truth, and not 8.5 hours as later specified in other documentation.
4 Hours in flat regulation, I would be happy with that. Considering that L1 with 65 only go for a 1.5 hours and even that is not flat. 45 Lum in E1L package is quite impressive in both aspects long run time, power and two levels.

I can't belive that nobody tested E1L.
