Surefire L1 cree vs. L1 luxeon III runtime


Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2007
Ok guys I am a novice to this (sport). A while back in a moment of insanity at the time anyway, I dropped $250 on a Surefire U2. It was an open house at a local gun shop, the Surefire rep was there and I got SOLD! I had never spent over $5 on a flashlight in my life.

Anyway, I have since purchased an L1 rev.2?? with the square luxeon III LED and really like it. Today I purchased another L1 after reading the forum, this time a new CREE version. Wow, it is even more amazing!

My question for those of you that might have experince with both is how do they compare in hi/lo runtime? I can see what is printed on the package but was wondering if anyone has any real world observations on the two.

Also, I found comparisons of the original L1 and the rev. 2 version but nothing on cree vs. rev 2.

The Luxeon III L1 ran nearly 2 hours on high (Quickbeam's review). The new Cree runs about 100 min on high, so a little less (See this review thread). But the new Cree L1 is much brighter (65 lumens as opposed to 22 lumens) and has a drastically different beam (IMO). While the Luxeon version has practically no spill, the new Cree L1 has a very usable spill, with a nice hotspot for throw.
The Luxeon III L1 ran nearly 2 hours on high (Quickbeam's review). The new Cree runs about 100 min on high, so a little less (See this review thread). But the new Cree L1 is much brighter (65 lumens as opposed to 22 lumens) and has a drastically different beam (IMO). While the Luxeon version has practically no spill, the new Cree L1 has a very usable spill, with a nice hotspot for throw.

Thanks for the info and the links!