Surefire LED module with 186500 cell


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2003
Before I smoke this Surefire LED module, has anyone tried to fire one up using an 186500 cell? I can't find any voltage rating on this thing. I know that most LED drop-in 3.0V~12, but it's this or purchase a new drop-in!

chiphead (assume nothing)
If it's the SureFire P60L, it is rated to operate up to 9.0v (actually ~7.5v under load), and is normally run at 5.0v (2x123 = 2x2.5v under load = 5.0v). On a single 18650 @ 3.7 volts, it will be dimmer than the specified ~80 lumens, but should give considerably longer runtime. If you actually have a 186500, you're talking about a cell the diameter of a small garbage can or as long as a lug wrench. Those cells I'm not too sure of.:huh::nana:

If you're unsure of the LED module identification, posting a pic would be helpful.
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It will run dimmer, but will still work without damage. You should be aware however that an 18650 will not fit in any stock Surefire... you'll need a 17670 cell if you are hosting with an un-modded SF.
It will run dimmer, but will still work without damage. You should be aware however that an 18650 will not fit in any stock Surefire... you'll need a 17670 cell if you are hosting with an un-modded SF.
I'm using a SolarForce body with this Surfire module and it did not work. Oh well, one can not have to many drop-ins, can one? Thanks for the feedback fellas!

I'm not sure why you would want to use a solarforce body with a surefire dropin, since the dropins seem to be the worst part of surefires, since they seem to be somewhat out of date. An M60LL would be more efficient, so you could have the same brightness as the surefire module with longer runtime.
From what I have seen, people usuaully use the surefire body and a "thrid party" dropin, not the other way around.
I'm not sure why you would want to use a solarforce body with a surefire dropin, since the dropins seem to be the worst part of surefires, since they seem to be somewhat out of date. An M60LL would be more efficient, so you could have the same brightness as the surefire module with longer runtime.
From what I have seen, people usuaully use the surefire body and a "thrid party" dropin, not the other way around.
Sell the P60LED on CPF/M, buy a Malkoff, and never look back. Better output, better efficiency, better tint, better construction.:cool:
Malkoff's also run considerably better on a single cell than P60LED's, far better output with the Malkoff on this config, from comparisons I've done.