Surefire M3


Mar 19, 2008
With all the talk of the Surefire M4 and M6, I'd thought I'd toss a little love up for the M3.

The Surefire M3 is considered the lightweight, or the redheaded stepchild of the Surefire M series. But I contend it is a powerful 'pint sized' M-light. I use one for EDC in a coat pocket. It is bored for 18mm cells, and I run 2XIMR18500s overdriving an MN11. I carry 6 spare IMR18500's in a small point and shoot camera case. This gives me a very bright light, and with the oval football shaped hotspot oriented horizontally, a very nice tactical beam. It throws very well for a small 'turbohead' - out past 100 yards.

I have a second M3 running AW 17500's driving a 3 level LF P7 TH using a Z58 clickie. This is a nice utility light for around the house.

Someday I hope to get an M3T, preferably bored for 18mm cells, and run a LF IMR-M3T on 2X IMR18500s.

Any other M3 fans out there?

I have several M3s. They are great! One with 3 IMR 16340s and Lumens Factory IMR bulb made for this light. Very bright. I have clickies on all three of my M3. One has an LED I added for long run time, the other uses 2 X 17500 batteries with LF bulb. M3 is always a good choice: portable, bulletproof, legoable!:devil:

Edit: I now have a 3M3T. It is much brighter, throws farther, but is.... top heavy. For the turbo head I prefer the M4 or M6. The M3 with the standard head is a great setup. I replaced the clicky on the #M3T with a SW01! Much better!
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I'm eagerly waiting for arrival of my first M series light (M3T). Just recently decided to focus on Surefire's, primarily the incandescents. Hopefully I'll have a few options with the turbohead. Going to investigate the LF bulbs soon. Count me in as a fan, I know it will be a great light.
I'll get a pic up of my "vintage" M3 when I get home...Love thel ight...don't "use it much", cause it's a "Go-to light" Go-To lights don't get "played with".
I have one in the center counsel of my truck. It has a strike bezel and is running an MN16 LA. It's my "Oh crap I'm stuck in traffic and the guy who cut me off that I flipped off is right next to me light!"
That's the oldest one I could find Al...I know there was a shorter run version right before this one (the same style as the old KL2 LED Assy.), but I have yet to find one for sell. If you know where I "might could" (Southern English) get one, it would be much appreciated :poke:... :devil:. I started off with the body, and then acquired an old (but still decent shape) Laser Products Z41-HA. I wish I could find one of the orginal Z46's...but this was the best I can do for now.
There were two versions of the pre-finned "M3" (Z46) bezel ;)
I can't find my M3 bezel lineup photo so this will have to do for now:
Thanks Al! How many quid ya want for the one on the two on the far left??? LOL! Can I use your pic to post a WTB?
Well this pic is not the best but I thought I would show my first M3. Came today and I had to go outside after dark and shine it around. Can't wait to one day see the LF M3T bulb fired up.

Al, I'm pretty certain the bezel farthest left was actually the second early version and the one second from left was the very first version on the first 500 lights or so.
Al, I'm pretty certain the bezel farthest left was actually the second early version and the one second from left was the very first version on the first 500 lights or so.

You could be right. I've never been certain which can first. I thought I must've checked back when I lined 'em up for the photo.
I recall looking at original (Black) M500A's but perhaps that just one of the things I now think I would have thought to check... :confused:
Last night I cobbled together a M3 turbo when I put a M4 bezel on a L6 body. Tried it out last night with the MN61 and 3 IMR 16340's. Wow :faint: Likely only get 10 minutes runtime, but what a great 10 minutes.
You could be right. I've never been certain which can first. I thought I must've checked back when I lined 'em up for the photo.
I recall looking at original (Black) M500A's but perhaps that just one of the things I now think I would have thought to check... :confused:

I have had a few examples of early M3's that came with the bezel type first one on the left and they were all higher early serial ranges above 1,000 or so, while the one's I have seen with the second bezel from the left were all VERY early serial ranges before 1,000 and that is what I base my conclusions on. From my observations over time I'm about 99% certain of this.

Surefire once sent me a replacement bezel for an early light and it was the first one on the left type as well which lends some more creedence.
Here's a pretty early example. Had this on the way and was wondering what to do with it... I guess maybe dismantling the head to try and get a D36 in it is inadvisable.

Serial # A00180


Link to a slightly larger version:
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