Surefire tailcaps, Z41 vs. Z49 -- My review


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I finally got the Z49 tailcap (clickie with rubber shroud) to replace the stock Z41 (twistie with instant-on) on the Surefire 9P.

First, the original Surefire 9P with its Z41:


Surefire 9P with the Z49 tailcap installed. The body is Leef 2x18500.


My initial impression is that the Z49 is an absurdity really - an afterthought, seems to have been designed independently of the lite itself. Why make the diameter larger than the body is a mystery. It's just too large. It prevents me from EDCing as it's just very slightly larger than I can handle discreetly. This shouldn't be a problem with holster carry.


.... this thought process led me to think it's a better fit with the Leef 2x18650 body, as it's not an EDC item anyway:


Inside the Z49 tailcap, the spring was kind of off-center, misaligned and the lite would randomly turn off when turned on. The cells were essentially dead however. I did try Z41 and it would reliably cut it on without issues. However, after I straightened out the spring with pliers, the problem went away. Surefire needs better QC than this, it's tailcaps seem to be an on-going issue.


Aside from compact size, another advantage Z41 has is that it can be turned on without shifting your grip:


Z49 is so awkward that you have to shift you grip to get a positive, fast click. In my case anyway. Not a huge problem if you practice a bit. One more reason why it belongs on a larger body since with a larger body like 2x18650 you have to shift your grip anyway, with any tailcap IMO.


Z49 is harder to turn on -- but then that's the idea, to make it harder to turn on to prevent an accidental discharge. This is particularly relevant to me as I EDC inside the pocket, no holsters of any kind. I think Z41 may not be a good "tactical" lite as when bumped against something, or just dropped, the lite will cut on, even if momentarily, giving away your position. I think Z49 is a better tailcap for that purpose, but YMMV. As bulky as it is, it's probably impossible to cut on accidently.

All-in-all, Z49 is an OK item if you realize its limitations and have reasonable expectations. Both Z41 and Z49 take a bit of training to get used to. Initially, Z41 drove me crazy but I got used to it. I think I will get used to this Z49 too.

Anyway, It's bizarre that Surefire doesn't design a tailcap a la Fenix L2D, that is roughly same diameter as the body, tail-standable, prevents from accidental cut-on and easy to turn on, with a metal shroud.

The engineering team needs to start anew with a blank sheet of paper...

My EDC (Surefire 9P with M60 with 2x18500 body) retains the original Z41 that I thought I would replace, but the large 2x18650 FiveMega will have Z49... as a more apropos unit for it.
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Anyway, It's bizarre that Surefire doesn't design a tailcap a la Fenix L2D, that is roughly same diameter as the body, tail-stand able, prevents from accidental cut-on and easy to turn on, with a metal shroud.

I have the dream tailcap you describe. It was made by Leef. It fits my Leef bodies and Surefire bodies perfect. They fit in a holster designed for the diameter of the body. I got it because after purchasing my Z49 I found that it would not fit in the holster. The rubber shroud was too large in diameter.
Mine has a full aluminum shroud around it. They came in three styles originally if I remember right. I've always liked the full shroud with the switch inside.
It fits in my holster perfectly since it is the same diameter.
OTOH, there is definitely virtue with staying with OEM parts as much as possible... Reading that thread, there were a few "issues" that came up.

Z49 is definitely something I can live with, no regrets. Practice with it a bit and cutting it on/off becomes second nature.

I know, I know -- my Surefire is so full of non-OEM parts that I am not even "sure" (pun intended) I can call it Surefire anymore...
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OEM when possible. The Z49 is definately robust.

however, I have had none of the problems that others have experienced with these tailcaps. Maybe it's because both my body and tailcap are LEEF products.
Cool. I have both FiveMega bodies and getting Leef bodies.

Z49 belongs on the bigger 2x18650 body IMO, doesn't look bad.
SureFire produced the Z48/Z49 TailCap as a modified version of the SW02. That's why it seems so large on a flashlight - the SW02 is designed for a WeaponLight. Completely different switching ergonomics.
It's shroud is specifically intended to require deliberate operator intent to activate the latch for constant-on, and to help reduce accidental activations.
SureFire produced them because of user demand for a clickie TailCap that didn't have the large easy-to-grip-and-rotate styling of the SW02.

SureFire did design a Clickie TailCap specifically for flashlights - the Z58/Z59 which is far more compact and in keeping with the form of flashlights such as the 6P, C2 etc.

Tail-standing is not a feature SureFire considers important in their flashlight design. Indeed none are designed with that in mind, even though one or two can achieve such a thing.

SureFire's standard TailCap - the Z41 is the ideal "tactical" switch and sets the benchmark high and an whole sector of the flashlight industry has grown up around it. It's long and proven record demonstrates that the likes of the Z2 have earned the name "CombatLight" and show themselves to be tactical-lights.

The proper sized rubber washer or gasket between the body and the Z48/9 makes the switch seem to be more at home on those stock bodies.

I'd take a photo and show you if my camera was alive..
I thought about it Z59 but it seems to have ongoing QC issues associated with, less robust than Z49, not to mention that you could accidently cut it on, poor choice in "tactical" situations *IMO*. Yes, I am aware you can lock it out, but.... but...

SureFire did design a Clickie TailCap specifically for flashlights - the Z58/Z59 which is far more compact and in keeping with the form of flashlights such as the 6P, C2 etc.

I think I might have to get two, one for the 2x18500 body with Z41 and the second for the 2x18650 body with Z49...
Yeah, that's what I want, that would be the perfect tailcap. In Internet time, that was what, only 100 years ago? Let me guess, naturally not available and long out of production?

I am HOPING Leef Will get back into the flashlight game and make more of these.


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