Surefire U2 on the way!


Oct 18, 2004
I just purchased a SF U2 off the forum marketplace and got a great deal, thanks MikeLip! Are there any problems with the U2 with the selector ring or tailcap that I should look for?
The SF tailcaps do have some problems but they are rare - and it's easy to get a replacement - ring SF and a new tailcap should be on it's way!
Sorry to sound dumb, but what is the problem with the tailcap? How will I know if I have a faulty tailcap?
Is there a pre-set lumens rating for each of the 6 clicks on the U2 bezel ring? I assume the first click is 2 lumens and the 6th is 100 lumens. So what are the other lumen rating on clicks 2 - 5?
I'm not sure that anyone knows the four settings between low and high. Maybe Size15's?? By the way, there are no clicks when you turn the ring..:)
the light just increases in even steps from low to high, i dont know what the lumen values are

if this is a second hand one from a CPF member then you shouldnt have any tailcap problems - they should have already sorted it out

dont try the U2's tailcap on any other surefires, it will flatten out the little contact bits, and not work when you put it back on your U2 unless you bend the little contact flaps back up

Enjoy your U2, its a great light
if your lucky you will have one of the old plastic tube versions.
they have a removable plastic sleeve to allow the use of 18650 lions for longer runtimes on Lions