Tactical Light


Newly Enlightened
Mar 27, 2008
Hi Guys, I've been reading a lot about the lights on these forums because my friends and I recently started playing airsoft at night. I am looking for a good light to use while I play. Here's what I'm kind of looking for.

Small, 1-2 AA battery type.(from what I've read, I plan to use a "Lithium Primary" or a "Lithium Rechargeable" once I figure out what exactly they are)

Needs a tail clicky- Reverse(i think) If reverse is where you click it in and it is on then you can "soft-press" and it will go off(this is for a strobe effect) If it has a strobe mode this is less important.

Looking for the brightest possible. It doesn't necessarily have to have extremely long run-time. Just needs to be really bright.

Lastly, having a few different modes would be awesome. Like a High, Low, and strobe or something like that.

Hopefully I can find a light like this for around the 50$ price range. Or maybe buy a decent one for a little less and then put in a better LED, once I figure out which would be compatible and better.

I look forward to your responses. Thanks!
Small, 1-2 AA battery type.
Needs a tail clicky- Reverse(i think)
Looking for the brightest possible.
Lastly, having a few different modes would be awesome. Like a High, Low, and strobe or something like that.

Check out the Fenix L1D and L2D (1 or 2 AA batteries), they fit your description.

They are very bright and works with Alkaline/Lithium primaries/NiMH batteries.
I have friends who are serious about the sport of Airsoft. They prefer the Z2 CombatLight w/ Wolf-Eyes 2-Mode (hi/strobe). They are also fans of the Dereelight 1S Q5 SMO as they feel the concentrated hotspot and blue spectrum of the Q5 induces greater glare in opponents.
Lithium rechargeables and AA lights are often mutually exclusive, or offer reduced output when running on non-lithium batteries. If you plan on stocking up on disposable batteries, the cheapest way to go for the same output is probably a 123a light; you can also buy rechargeable 123a batteries (RCR123) later. For the record, 123a is derived from 1 2/3 A - this cell is the size of one cell, 2/3 as long as a (formerly) standard A cell. While A is an obsolete size, it's still used as a reference. There are also 223a batteries, the size of two 2/3A cells side by side.

If you're sticking hard to $50, you can get a pretty good deal on a Surefire 6P clone, and a good LED module from Ebay or Dealextreme. A real 6P will set you back $42 on the buy/sell/trade board, and a high powered LED module from $7-$20 depending on features.

If you're willing to fudge the budget a bit, there's the new Fenix TK10 - its low setting is 60 lumens, the same as my light's high, and its high setting is simply excessive - 225 lumens. It eats 2 123a cells, and has fairly good runtime, though I've not yet seen one in person.

There's also the Jetbeam stuff - I own a C-LEv2, a 1AA pocket light. Altogether nice, but not what you want - you'd do well with the Jetbeam IBS series - very simple user interface, and the Jet-1 IBS takes standard AA batteries (at reduced output) or lithium rechargeables (for full blinding power). They're simple, three-mode affairs in use, though you can set each of those three modes to any brightness or special feature the light has available (basically, any brightness setting at all, or a few strobe light variations) - from 2 lumens all the way up to 130 (alkaline AA) or 225 (lithium AA, 3 to 3.7 volts)

The Fenix is available now at $79, the Jetbeams are coming out in limited quantities - this is a test run of a new product - starting at the end of this month (March 2008) with the JET-2 IBS and JET-3 IBS following within a few weeks.

Oh! And welcome to CandlePower Forums! :welcome:
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For most, tactical means: Simple, forward clickie/momentary twistie, easy to hold. So you might want to change the title to "Looking for Airsoft Light".

The Fenix and Olight models should be good(8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8"). Some would be a bit above your price range.

Fenix: L1D-CE Q5, L2D-CE Q5, L1T v2.0, L2T v2.0
Olight: T15

The Nitecore would be too far above your price range and so could the Jetbeams.

Maybe even a good DX light would work. Something like the WF-606, or RC-N3. You could also get a whole kit, Li-ion batteries, changer and flashlight, for under $50. Shipping take a while though.

After some more reading I think I might want the Solarforce L2 with the Cree R2 LED. I read that the R2 drop-in alone is almost as much as the actual light itself. So, in getting this, I would get the drop-in and a decent light. If I got that I'm still not sure about the batteries. What is the difference between the CR123A and the RCR123A? Where would I get a charger for these?(and would it be the same charger?)

After I got this light what else would I maybe want to purchase to make it better? (like a different LED module, or different batteries.)

Also, the 5-mode is rated lower Voltage than the 2-mode one.

What do you guys think?
I too am heavy into airsoft, as are both my sons and the misses. i agree with adam with his recommendations. if the light is going to be used exclusively for airsoft, then a 2-mode light will fit the bill (high and strobe). more modes will just be a hinderance. it also depends on what type of fields you plan to play. any of the dx modules with a 6pish body will be fine in most cases (cheapest route). oh, and you'll be better off getting a light with a forward clicky as opposed to a reverse clicky.
CR123s can't be recharged and have a voltage of around 3v. RCR123s can have a voltage of around 3.0v(3.6v fully charged) or 3.7v(4.2v fully charged). They have less capacity but are rechargeable. Different chargers would be needed.

The 5 mode might have a smaller range because it might be designed for a single Li-ion battery(3.6-4.2v).

Maybe something bright but AA powered would be good.

Do you need a more floody beam or more throwy beam?
After some more reading I think I might want the Solarforce L2 with the Cree R2 LED. I read that the R2 drop-in alone is almost as much as the actual light itself. So, in getting this, I would get the drop-in and a decent light....

Can't comment on the drop-in, but I seriously doubt you'd end up with a decent light.

Solarforce is barely half a notch above the cheap, No-Name, Made in China companies that put out lights. As a matter of fact, I have a few No-Name lights from China. All of them work far better than my Solarforce L600. Ignoring for a moment the fact that it doesn't put out anywhere near 600 lumens, even if you take into account that Solarforce goes by emitter lumens; the light should put out at least 300 lumens instead of just barely over the 200 that it actually does. This light came with tightly packed cardboard on the inside of it. Yup, cardboard used as an essential piece of the light's construction. There are other issues. Mine stopped working, the first time I used it in the rain; despite the fact that it has O-ring seals. (Tested the cells and charger. Those work fine. So it's definitely the light that's acting up).
If you can spend closer to $100 get a Dereelight CL1H with a 1SD with a smooth reflector, as Adamlau suggested, and pick up an AW protected 18650 battery and charger. It will let you blind your opponents better if you get that hot spot in their eyes, if that is what you are going for. :) This set up would only give you high, and it has a forward clicky so you could tap it for strobe, click it for constant on, etc.

A Surefire 6P with a Malkoff M60 Q5 would be another nice option.
I dunno a whole lot about other lights, but from the ones I know, check out the Dexlight X.1. $45, Its got strobe and four other modes(high, low, med, standby). 150 Lum on 14500 lithiums and around 60 or so with alkalines. Not sure about NiMh's though.

www.dexlight.com (to take a look at pics and specs)

http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2888 (to buy)

Good luck in your search!

Well I wont be having it on the whole time while playing. It's just for spotting the enemy, seeing where I'm going in thick brush, and then the main thing is blinding the enemy when I attack. I would say more throwy beam for blinding at farther distances, hehe. Also, about the modes, I dont really want anything other than a strobe, besides the on and off.

Also looking to use some inexpensive rechargeable batteries of some sort.

Thanks for all the replies guys!
I would recommend the WF-400 with 2 18650 rechargeable batteries(Lithium ion rechargeable battery) and a decent cheap charger(this one is better). Total is around $40 and should be fine for your uses.

It should throw at least 50 meters and has a reverse duel mode clickie so you can strobe it. The light itself isn't too big(minimag length but wider). If you want AA, the WF-606 should work well.

None of the above are tactical or meant for a tactical situation but they seem to fit your description.
I would recommend the WF-400 with 2 18650 rechargeable batteries(Lithium ion rechargeable battery) and a decent cheap charger(this one is better). Total is around $40 and should be fine for your uses.

It should throw at least 50 meters and has a reverse duel mode clickie so you can strobe it. The light itself isn't too big(minimag length but wider). If you want AA, the WF-606 should work well.

None of the above are tactical or meant for a tactical situation but they seem to fit your description.

If I got the WF-606 would that take the 2 18650 batteries? Also, would it be a good idea to get the Cree R2 LED for it?
I think it would be safe to say no it doesn't take two lithium batteries, though you could use 2 NiMH batteries for pretty good runtime, and it also doesn't look like you can change the LED in the head without some soldering.

My personal plan for a 'tactical' light is a cheap Surefire 6p ($42) and an Ebay R2 drop-in module ($20) for output. I may get a Detonator extension for a better grip and another battery, pushing the Ebay R2 to 295 lumens.

Alternately, I may just get sick of looking for a deal, decide to spend a large chunk of my first paycheck of the summer on getting this out of the way, and get a Malkoff and a grip ring.

At present, I have that 6p in stock configuration, and a Pelican M3 LED doing 'tactical' duty until I can get my ROP (a high-powered incandescent putting out 400 or 1150 lumens, depending on whether I use the 'high' or 'low' bulb) parts in from China, or I upgrade the 6p. My personal experience is that the 6p is great and the M3 is overpriced, unless you get a good sale; either way I don't recommend either right now - the M3 is using an obsolete emitter, and you said you wanted an LED, otherwise the 6p would be my first suggestion.

This time, with more of my reasoning behind the post; when you understand the sort of considerations we're using, it'll make it easier for you to figure out what you like. I know the choices seem overwhelming at first, but time and ... well, basically no effort is all it takes to start to get the hang of all this. Probably most important, let us know if you're confused, and we'll try to sort it out. :)
Hi Guys, I've been reading a lot about the lights on these forums because my friends and I recently started playing airsoft at night. I am looking for a good light to use while I play. Here's what I'm kind of looking for.

Small, 1-2 AA battery type.(from what I've read, I plan to use a "Lithium Primary" or a "Lithium Rechargeable" once I figure out what exactly they are)

Needs a tail clicky- Reverse(i think) If reverse is where you click it in and it is on then you can "soft-press" and it will go off(this is for a strobe effect) If it has a strobe mode this is less important.

Looking for the brightest possible. It doesn't necessarily have to have extremely long run-time. Just needs to be really bright.

Lastly, having a few different modes would be awesome. Like a High, Low, and strobe or something like that.

Hopefully I can find a light like this for around the 50$ price range. Or maybe buy a decent one for a little less and then put in a better LED, once I figure out which would be compatible and better.

I look forward to your responses. Thanks!

Wouldn't you want to have your lights weapon mounted? If just for play there are the solarforce and G&P products specifically made for airsofts. Some can even be weapon mounted.
If I got the WF-606 would that take the 2 18650 batteries? Also, would it be a good idea to get the Cree R2 LED for it?

Well, the WF-606 takes 2 AA batteries, which are around 14mm wide and 50 mm long. The 18650 battery is 18mm wide(first two numbers), 65mm long(3rd and 4th number), and round(last number) so no, it won't fit 2 18650 batteries.

The R2 would give you more output, but I don't think it's worth it.

A mounted light with a tape or easy to access switch might be easier to use.
I have friends who are serious about the sport of Airsoft. They prefer the Z2 CombatLight w/ Wolf-Eyes 2-Mode (hi/strobe). They are also fans of the Dereelight 1S Q5 SMO as they feel the concentrated hotspot and blue spectrum of the Q5 induces greater glare in opponents.

I use a Surefire Z2 Combat or E2e Elite for low light/night handgun shooting. I am looking for a led light the same size with the added feature of strobe. I want to be able to select one of two modes, bright or bright strobe, and use the momentary tail switch to activate. You mentioned that your friends use a Wolf-Eyes 2-Mode on a Z2 for this purpose. Could you give more detail on how they did this? I looked on the Wolf-Eyes site and can not figure out what to use. I have looked at many of the lights mentioned on this forum and have not found one that meets my needs, or should I say 'wants'. I would welcome any suggestions.

Thank you
I think his friends use a version of this drop-in(they, his friends, might have a lower bin LED drop-in).

You can't set it to come on just 1 mode. After 2 seconds of off, it always resets to high mode. If you turn it on-off-on within 2 seconds, it goes to strobe.

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