Taint no justice in this world...(Light Story)

Sounds like that might be giving the young lady too much credit. I would go with the look how bright and shiny this is plus here are a bunch of batteries approach.

"You want to trade me what?"

Good luck!

Well, I wonder how it'll turn out. If the Kroma fell into your hands, there may be justice after all.. :D
Well...it's in my grasp...my hopes are not yet dashed...after offering my U2 (in very nice condtion BTW), She gave me a genuine "I'll think about it"...so I left...then went back a few secods later, and let her borrow my U2 for a few hours (desperate, I know) "Here, you can check it out for a bit...I gotta come back after lunch, so mess around with it and see if ya like it"...She was smiled and said "Ok"...

Here's to hopin' for the best...thanks for all the wishes!
Oh! This is a better cliff-hanger than anything I've seen on T.V. in quite awhile. :huh:
Granted, I work and play with a bunch of engineers and scientists and the like, but I've never had trouble explaining to them how any of my flashlights worked. "Well, there's the white light, that's what you use normally, then there's the red light, you use that at night when you don't want to blind yourself, and this one's a military model so it has an infra-red light that you use with night-vision goggles. Here's the on/off switch, here's the color switch." Done. Chances are you wouldn't even get an eye-roll, people tend to assume military equipment is going to go above and beyond what Joe User actually needs.
Hey chaps, I've just seen a really cheap U2 come up on US eBay buyer wants a really quick sell today!! :eek:

She says some guy just gave it to her for free but she already has one surefire and don't need another........:tinfoil:


As I said...taint no justice in this world...I hope her $425 Kroma Mil-Spec serves her well at her desk job :thumbsdow... updating spread sheets on her computer...anyone rember the scene from Rambo II???:xyxgun: :xyxgun:

I can't even begin to fathom the horrible fate that awaits that light...will it end getting dropped and thrown in the trash??? Will she mix cells in it and have it go :poof:...or will it be put in her duffle bag, taken home, and set in a cupboard above the washing machine and dryer, gathering dust, having laundry detegent dripped all over it, never again to see the light of day??? Or taken out to fix a flat and be left on the side of the road..."Oh man, I left my flashlight on the side of the road when we were changing the tire...oh well, it's just a flashlight"...Or will one of her kids end up playing with it, giving it to the dog, and then dropping it in the toilet???


Oh well...I tried...thanks for the support guys and well wishes...

Anybody lookin' to trade a Kroma Mil-Spec??? I have a LNIB L2 and an extra C2, also only a few days old...never carried...:tired:
/me is keeping his fingers crossed for you.

I open mutiple tabs and I see you wrote back after I opened this one.
Sorry bud. I hope she accidentally misplaces it close to you one day.
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Aw so sorry mate. Good on you for trying though.
The thought of a Kroma just languishing in desk-life....:mad::(
Too bad. Did she give you any reason why she won't part with it?


Nope...I'm guessing a male co-worker talked her out of it...it really made no sense to me...why she would want to keep a light with red/blue/YG/IR instead of one that had 176hr runtime, up to 100 lumens for self defense (I did mention that to her...)
You know, it's sometimes easy to miss the bigger picture. That's what I did. Uncle Sam won't issue the average soldier in the thick of it a decent torch such as the SF G2 which is used for low-light training. But a supply troop gets issued Mil-Spec Kroma models??

Please don't misunderstand, I'm sure the young woman is very professional in her job duties. But it's clear she doesn't even remotely need a flashlight costing over $400. Meanwhile, regular grunts don't even get to keep the $36 G2 that each is given during training. They have to hand them back! And if they're lucky, they get a nice angle-head light that doesn't even come close to the output and U.I. of a G2.

Sometimes they get nothing. I've sent over care packages that included flashlights. I wish I could find more Rayovac 3watt 2AA Sportsman Xtreme models. LED, output the same as a SureFire G2L model, same U.I. as a G2, but runs on 2AA cells. (That way, when they're forced to give back the G2 models, they can just use what is basically a 2AA version in all the important ways of the light they just trained with.)

I must be missing something. Tell me that there's more to this than a supply troop being issued $400+ lights that they'll never need. Was there a bigger supply of Kroma models that will soon be issued to specialized troops? Or were the kromas issued to the supply troop only?