Taiwan Quake

Flying Turtle

Jan 28, 2003
Apex, NC
Hope everyone is okay. Apparently few injuries. Seems shakes are echoing back and forth across the Pacific. Not sure I'd be sleeping well out on the California coast. Come on now, Mother Earth, settle down.

Can you say nervous, after hearing about an 8.8, that's off the scale as far as I am concerned and I have only been through a 5.4 and if I am not mistaken, each full numerical increase in strength is ten times stronger.:ohgeez:
Can you say nervous, after hearing about an 8.8, that's off the scale as far as I am concerned and I have only been through a 5.4 and if I am not mistaken, each full numerical increase in strength is ten times stronger.:ohgeez:

from the same depth one could relate well with the 10x difference, but its more dependent on other factors, such as the nature of the fault and depth

the Pacific plate has been moving quite violently within the last year, 5's were popping up here and there...I had expect something like an 8 to come by but not around Chile...more like the Aleutian islands or Solomon
Seeing this trend, I think those of us in CA are probably next...time to get earthquake insurance if you don't already have it. ;)

Majority of us should be fine in the "disaster preparation equipment" category though...unless you need to use it as an excuse to further prepare yourselves...