Shame that the stores get ripped off, and shame on those who do things like that, but if the store doesn't have people who really know their products then they will be taken advantage of like this. When I worked in retail, at a camera /video store, we had people try to switch product sometimes, but all exchanges and returns went through a manager, such as myself, that knew our products, and knew to look for scams, so we'd always catch them. A common thing was people would by a top of the line camera kit from us, go buy the low end version of the camera somewhere else, then try and return the kit to us with the low end camera, keeping the higher end model for themself. They must have felt like a fool when we'd call them out on it. We probably should have called the cops on them for trying to scam us, but I don't know if it's a crime, or a crime that the poilce would want to be bothered with.