Tenergy 2300 mah LSD cells

Jul 15, 2007
Good evening-

After reading and not finding a whole lot of information on the Tenergy 2300 mah LSD cells (purchased at about 0.89$/cell) I figured I ought to do service and report my findings.

I've analyzed the first 38 cells out of 72 (would be more but I only have 2x BC-900s) by performing a refresh at 500/1000 discharge/charge rates. Theoretically the capacity would be higher with a slower rate but with these many batteries (and baby stuff / flashlights needing them) I couldn't wait.

For reference, these threads mention the Tenergy 2300 mah LSD cells:

My numbers were pretty close to the 30 day test. Average cell capacity is 2.04 Ah, Std Dev is 0.03 Ah. Max tested was 2.1 Ah and the Min was 1.94 Ah.

I will pull a couple of the cells and drop them in the back for a 30 day test but I expect them to fair similiarly.

I've already got a couple of pairs in my flashlights that I use to help nurse our daughter- they get run down almost entirely every night (3 or 4 hour runtimes, haha... who needs sleep!) so I'll know if their capacity increases.

And if you're in the Rochester NY area and can loan me a charger or three... :)

Here's a question for you.

When you initially received your cells, did you happen to check to see how much capacity was in them?

There is a post over on CPFMP where someone bought 48 of the AA cells, and all but 4 were dead when they arrived.
Here's a question for you.

When you initially received your cells, did you happen to check to see how much capacity was in them?

There is a post over on CPFMP where someone bought 48 of the AA cells, and all but 4 were dead when they arrived.

What constitutes Dead? Unable to be recharged? Or below a certain current cutoff. The typical voltage (mind you this is memory- not recorded) was around 1.22 V on each cell when inserted into the charger.

If I have time over the next few days I'll hit 'test' on a couple of them on one charger to see what they had in them. Would 8 cells suffice? It won't be totally random, unfortunately, unless I open all the packs and pick one cell from each position.
By dead, he meant no usable charge on them.

He said they charged up fine and are working OK now.

I was just curious if his experience was common or if he just happend to get a bad batch.
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I've finished charging and refreshing all 72 cells and have run several through flashlights and recharged them. Some anomalies have shown up which, until I complete further testing, are causing me some serious distress.

In short, I have 2x BC-900 chargers- one is a v33 and the other is v35. The v35 consistently recharges the batteries and is able to get MORE capacity in them (as tested by the charge/discharge test cycle) than the v33. The v33 reports lower initial capacity for the same test.

That said:

         <TD>[center][center]Avg Cap[center][center]</TD>
         <TD>[center][center]Std. Dev[center][center]</TD>
         <TD>[center][center]New Cap[center][center]</TD>
         <TD>[center][center]Std. Dev[center][center]</TD>
--screw it I can't figure out how to make a table in here- if you're reading this you're probably intelligent enough to figure out the numbers.
Not sure if this is how you were trying to display the info:

Avg Cap         2.05
Std. Dev        0.04
Min             1.94
Max             2.28
N=              72
New Cap         2.06
Std. Dev        0.07
Min             1.96
Max             2.22
N=              13