Terralux TLE-6EX(B): how hot and bad is it??


Sep 15, 2006
Province of Antwerp / Belgium

I use several terralux drop-in modules in different maglites, mostly minimags. I like them a lot. I also have a TLE-6EX in my 6C and my dad has a TLE-6EXB in his 3D and a close friend has a TLE-6EX in his 4D.
This TLE-6EX(B) gets a lot of bad press, but, personally, I never had any problems with it. I have to admit I have not used it continuously for hours and neither has my dad. The longest I have have ever used it must have been for 1 hour. No problems.

This is why I would like to ask if someone has already had any real problems with this kit. Up to a point where it breaks or where the whole Maglite melts down :naughty:. Are there amongst you who use this drop-in for extended periods ?

This because I may have to use my 6C more regularly in the near future and for extended periods, so I would hate it to fail on me. Btw: I also have a 2C with a Malkoff which has a comparable output, say 140 lumens.

Thanks in advance for your insight and experiences.

Kind regards,
I have the 6EX running in a 2D mag with 6 AA batteries. I haven't run it for extended periods (max maybe 20 mins) but I do notice some fog build up on the plastic mag lens.

The only other complaint I have is that it's perhaps too blue in tint. But for my intents and purposes (walking the dog and making people go "oooh that's bright") it works just fine.
I have two. One in a 3D and one in a 2C. Both very bright. If you open the bezel and touch the modules they are very HOT. I have run them for 30 minutes and there does not seem to be any harm to the plastic bits.

I get some light fogging on the 3D but not on the 2C. Don't know why.

Overall I can recommend them. A good balance of price and output.

Yeah, I've had some Terralux Maglite dopins before. Unlike the ones Maglite uses, they don't have any thermal protection and so that's why they get so hot. The ones I had always fogged up the inside of the lens after being for like 10 minutes or so. There's no place for the heat to go and so the moisture in the air inside the head will vaporize. They're decently bright for how they work I guess, but my vote for best Maglite dropins are the ones by Malkoff Devices. They're excellently heatsinked (never had one fog up the inside of the lens for me) and Gene Malkoff offers a variety of Maglite dropins. They are pricier, but worth it for their performance and built quality.

http://www.malkoffdevices.com/ :thumbsup:

Could it be that there are differences between several generations of the TLE-6EX modules?? Maybe the more recent ones don't get as hot as the ones that were tested by Newbee??

Thanks for your insight!
I have a 2C with EXB, and the longest continuous run time is about 2 hours (until the alkalines dried up). It was freezing cold, though. Surprisingly when the batteries died, the light just shut off without any warning. Good regulation?
I have a 2C with EXB, and the longest continuous run time is about 2 hours (until the alkalines dried up). It was freezing cold, though. Surprisingly when the batteries died, the light just shut off without any warning. Good regulation?
Hello Carrier,
That's how I like it (though I may be the only one): a light that shuts off instead of slow dimming :thumbsup:.
(of course: you need to carry spare cells..)

Kind regards,
I bought the Terralux to my 2D some year ago. I find it to be very good for it's price. It runs for hours with constant brightness and I have not experienced any problem with heat.
Recently I ordered the Malkoff dropin for 2-3D. Then I will be able to compare Terralux to Malkoff. According to my measuring Terralux provide around 100 lumens with 2D and 140 lumens with 3D.
If I got it right Malkoff state their dropin will give 144 lumens with 2D and 240 lumens with 3D. I hardly can wait until I recieve the Malkoff dropin!

Regards, Patric
The Malkoff lumen output is based on the emitter rated output - or at least used to be:

240 lm is the manufacture's spec, that's what I used.

Also remember that your lumens, my lumens and most other quoted lumens are all different!
For instance I rate the 6EX (6 cell) at about 100 lumens and the 6EXB (2 cell) at 80.
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Actually the number of lumens in themselves doesn't matter for me. I measured the percentual difference between different lights and just compared to the stated rating. Therefore I could state that Terralux/3D is around 40% brighter than Terralux/2D, (strange that you have that small difference between the 2D and 6D) and about the same brightness as standard 6D(a bit brighter with narrow focus, and a bit less bright with wide focus). Consequently we can say:

Terralux TLE-6EX with 3D: bright as a standard crypton 6D.
Terralux TLE-6EX with 2D: bright about like a standard crypton 4D.

BUT with much more average light during several hours!

Terralux TLE-6EX(B) is a cheap way to make a significant improvement of a Maglite.

Regards, Patric
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Could it be that the TLE-6EXB, on 2 cells, runs at lower output, as compared to 3 cells? Say 140 lumens on 3 cells (a guess) and - say - 100 lumens on 2 cells. (As does the Malkoff with some 144 lumens on 2 versus 240 lumens on 3 cells (240:1000x600)).
This could explain a - maybe - cooler functioning on only 2 cells.

As I remember from an older thread, someone said the module TLE-6EX, as conceived for being run on 4 to 6 cells, actually works better (cooler) on 3 cells.

Has someone ever measured the output of these kits? The kits in my 6C and my dad's 3D both should be close to the advertised 140 lumens. I would be surprised should the output be "only" 100 lumens.
These kits are visibly brighter than the terralux TLE-5EX, also advertised at 140 lumens but tested at an initial 80 lumens, dropping to 55-60 lumens after some minutes. (http://www.cpfreviews.com/TerraLUX-TLE-5EX.php)

Kind regards,

PS: My TLE-6EX in my 6C has a comparable output to my Malkoff in my 2C.
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Actually the number of lumens doesn't matter for me. I measured the percentual difference between different lights and just compared to the stated rating. Therefore I could confirm that Terralux/3D is around 40% brighter than Terralux/2D, and about the same brightness as standard 6D(a bit brighter with narrow focus, and a bit less bright with wide focus). Consequently we can say: Terralux TLE-6EX with 3D: bright as a standard crypton 6D, but with much more average light during several hours.

Regards, Patric

Indeed, Patric, my feeling exactly. When I got my TLE-6EX and changed the bulb in my 6C, output was not really, visibly, significantly, higher (I use nimh cells and a 6 cell standard krypton cell) but light was whiter. I guess that as compared to the 5 cell krypton white star (I used a 5cell bulb white star in my 6C), output of the terralux may be less in these 6 cell lights, even with 1,2v rechargeables.

Kind regards,

Actually the number of lumens in themselves doesn't matter for me. I measured the percentual difference between different lights and just compared to the stated rating. Therefore I could confirm that Terralux/3D is around 40% brighter than Terralux/2D, and about the same brightness as standard 6D(a bit brighter with narrow focus, and a bit less bright with wide focus). Consequently we can say:

Terralux TLE-6EX with 3D: bright as a standard crypton 6D.
Terralux TLE-6EX with 2D: bright about like a standard crypton 4D.

BUT with much more average light during several hours!

Terralux TLE-6EX(B) is a cheap way to make a significant improvement of a Maglite.

Regards, Patric

Apologies if I mis-understood your post, but I got the impression that you expected the Malkoff to be a big improvement over a TLE, based on comparing lumen ratings between your values and Malkoff's. I wasn't suggesting it won't be better, just that only direct comparisons are really valid.
As such I await your findings :popcorn:

Out of interest, what method do you use to compare light output? I have found that my eyes on their own are very unreliable, and seem to auto adjust
too quickly!

And I am a 6EX(B) fan b.t.w. - I have 4 of them!
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Not used them for longer than 10 -15 minute bursts, so not really able to address your initial question - which is why I instead chose to chip-in later :)
Apologies if I mis-understood your post, but I got the impression that you expected the Malkoff to be a big improvement over a TLE, based on comparing lumen ratings between your values and Malkoff's. I wasn't suggesting it won't be better, just that only direct comparisons are really valid.
As such I await your findings :popcorn:

Out of interest, what method do you use to compare light output? I have found that my eyes on their own are very unreliable, and seem to auto adjust too quickly!

And I am a 6EX(B) fan b.t.w. - I have 4 of them!

Hi robm,

Yes, the eyes ability to measure brightness isn't completely reliable. I noticed that this is true especially when trying to compare the brightness between different light with different tint. For example between a LED and an incan light with quite equal brightness. Then a luxmeter can tell the truth.

My method is simple: I place the luxmeter at a table and shine with the light at the ceiling roof above the censor. Then I measure the reflected light. Some people don't believe this is a reliable way to measure, but I am sure it is. Especially because I am careful to hold every light at the same place every time. I also take in consider the total beam size; a light (for example Maglite D-model) I hold higher up than a light with much narrower beam (like a Fenix) to get the projected beam equal sized. Otherwise a light with wider beam will recieve lower rating than one with narrower, though the total lumens output is the same. And the closer I hold the lights from the ceiling roof the less will it be important take in consider the beam width.

I am looking forward to compare the Malkoff LED to the Terralux. I don't expect a tremendous difference, but a clearly noticable.

Regards, Patric
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Ah yes - the ceiling bounce test.

I used to do that but found that:
I wasn't always holding the light in the same place, so reading varied, even for the same light.
I am inherently lazy :lolsign:, so built a lightbox for my light meter, that sits next to my computer - so I don't have to get up when recording readings :D
I have this a bit more consistent/repeatable.

I still use ceiling bounce for lights that are too big for the lightbox opening, e.g. HID lights.
Ah yes - the ceiling bounce test.

I used to do that but found that:
I wasn't always holding the light in the same place, so reading varied, even for the same light.
I am inherently lazy :lolsign:, so built a lightbox for my light meter, that sits next to my computer - so I don't have to get up when recording readings :D
I have this a bit more consistent/repeatable.

I still use ceiling bounce for lights that are too big for the lightbox opening, e.g. HID lights.

Would you post some of your light box results?

I will have a go at reformatting my spreadsheet and post some results - is it possible to post a table?