terralux vrs wolf eyes vrs p7mag (my experience)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
well tonight i spent 10 minutes playing with 3 lights

1.wolf eyes storm
2.mag 3 x D p-7 (nimh)
3.terralux 3 x emitter dropin in a 6 x D mag.(alkaline)

bottom line, in a pitch dark forest there isnt much in them.

they all throw about the same, p7 has tightest hotspot, storm 2nd, terralux is floodi-est.

1.storm retail ($270) i paid $140 used should run for 2 hours +
2.custom mag/p-7 $70 built by cpf member. no idea runtime (3xD 10,000 mah tenergys)?
3. teralux dropin, $60 + 6 D mag $28 = $88 ??runtime (6x D alkaline)

they all produce about the same amount of light for about the same amount of time.

size and cost and tint differ a lot. (terralux is kinda blue :) )

ill do some beamshots tomorrow.
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Re: terralux vrs wold eyes vrs p7 (my experience)

reserved for pics :)