Tesla Down Under ? 7000L LED

Is all of Slashdot that uninformed, whiny, and self-righteous? I hope not... I'm not so sure it's a good thing to brag that the light will "burn a hole through a CD case" either. :shrug:

I agree. They don't know what they're missing. There are quite a few amazing builders and modders who hang out here.

This is waaay off-topic, but reading /. comments seems almost all ppl use non-IE browsers. :poke:

Just as most CPF members enjoy a good quality flashlight, many slashdot members enjoy a good quality browser. IE is the equivalent of a DX light.

Is all of Slashdot that uninformed, whiny, and self-righteous? I hope not... I'm not so sure it's a good thing to brag that the light will "burn a hole through a CD case" either. :shrug:

Most of the ones who bother to post are. However now and again you'll find some real gems of information and knowledge among the slashdot posts.
We all brag about something usually, Personally, the little boy inside me still gets a giggle from seeing stuff burnt (responsibly).
Is all of Slashdot that uninformed, whiny, and self-righteous?

They can be. Some time ago there was a Slashdot post about exploding lithium batteries in laptops, and I linked to a thread here (one of Newbie's, IIRC) where CPF'ers were already well ahead of the curve, with lots of analysis of experiments and other experiences with venting cells.

While my "Anonymous Coward" post got modded "informative" at least, the subsequent comments mainly focussed on the heretofore unknown existence of "flashlight geeks" and where exactly they would rank in the hierarchy of geekdom. Some declared that they/we were too geeky even for Slashdot :ironic:

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