Textured Reflector


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2007
Does anyone know where I can find Textured Reflectors replacements for my LED lights? :confused:
That would depend on the light in question. Not all manufacturers offer the option.

FYI, you can always try texturing your existing reflectors yourself. If you search the modding forum for "sputtering", you should get a number of hits.

It usually involves spraying a coarse layer of clear acrylic spray droplets over the reflector to duplicate the "orange peel" effect. In my experience, it generally results in some small loss of overall output, but can certainly help smooth out rings and other defects.
Thats a neat DIY trick. I was actually trying to find out if there is a place where you can actually get "universal" textured reflectors different sizes....

Lets say I had a mini mag a regular diamter 2 cell 3 cell mag and wanted replacement orange peel for those.... I am actually looking for one for my little Ultrafire K2 LED light. It is actually a nice little light and the light spot is actually nice and even. But I just like my textured reflectors like in my Surefires.... :D
Thats a neat DIY trick. I was actually trying to find out if there is a place where you can actually get "universal" textured reflectors different sizes....
Hmm, well I've bought Khatod and IMS reflectors, both of which are optimized for lambertian LEDs. I think the Khatod's come in both smooth and OP. Here's some links:

I picked a few of the Khatod's from PhotonFanatic in the Dealer's forum, and IMS' from the Sandwich Shoppe.

There's also McGizmo reflectors, which I believe are also available at the Shoppe and Fenix-store.com, among others.

Good luck!