Thank You SSC P4: Upgrade Your AAP3W


Oct 9, 2006
The below threads with the AAP3W and TaskForce 2C 3W from Lowes is one where those who own them are basically in love. Well since the introduction of the new 80 lumen/watt LED's early this year I had wondered when a upgrade might work. Both of these lights have collimator lenes that are not real common. Well with the introduction of the SSC P4 and more specifically on a star I wonder how well of a swap out they would be for the Luxeon 3W star that came in them. Well I just found out. I ordered a SSC P4 about 3 weeks ago and it just came in today. It's a very good fit 2x the output realized in a 75% brighter hot spot and a 200% better spill and since DealTime Extreme ships for free this whole light can be had for $27.50. That's a 2C Cell 150+ lumen light thats just to sweet to put into words. Needless to say I just ordered 3 more of these stars to put in my other 3 lights, absolutley simple as unsolder and resolder in the new star. It's a dream come true. Since I owned the Lowes TaskForce 2C 3Watt I've considered it to be the perfect light - cheap c cells you can get anywhere along with output that clobered my Inova T3, and now I've just doubled the output in 15 minutes. Finally my Flashaholic curiosity has paid big divens. :devil:

AAP 2C 3Watt

Lowes 2C 3Watt
On the TF3W, did you have to do any tweaks to get the SSCP4 star to focus on the collimator lens? Do you have beamshots of your modified lights? thanks!
You know better than that, BEAMSHOTS!! :mad: :grin2:

I have the AAP3W, but I don't trust my soldering skills.. :( I think I'll get one of the contractors here at work to solder one in for me.. :)