The Best Of 2001?


Feb 25, 2001
The Netherlands (NL)
Just for enjoyment, I made a list of flashlights/torches that, given the fact that so many people seem to like them and/or that they where so much spoken about on this forum and other forums, have to be the best lights of 2001.

This is the list:

The Streamlight Batonlite

The Sure-Fire E2 Executive

The Streamlight UltraStinger

And the Princeton Tec Surge

I can't think of other lights at this moment. Any additions and suggestions as well as general input is of course greatly appreciated.

Greetings & A Happy New Year To All,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Velcro:

The Streamlight Batonlite
The Sure-Fire E2 Executive
The Streamlight UltraStinger
And the Princeton Tec Surge

I'm hoping to add the UK Light Cannon to this list, although I won't know much until the year 2001 is a two-day old memory, thanks to UPS 3-Day taking at least 7 days.

Other candidates are the Arc AAA and the Eternalight Rave'n. I didn't put the Arc LS here because it doesn't look like they'll be available to the public before 2001 is over.
So it may be a viable candidate for light of the year for 2002 instead.

Since I haven't seen an Ultrastinger, I can't add any input on it. I'll have to take your word that it's a kick-butt flashlight.
As I read the opening header of this post the first light that came to my mind was the E2, followed by the UltraStinger. I just recently purchased a Surge and whole heartedly agree those make the top of the 2001 year.

I have said it before, it a great time to be a flashaholic. Nothing has been written but I would love to see an E3 with 110 lumens and 70 mins run time showcased at the SHOT show in New Orleans.
I would like to add a few lights to this list

The first being the Brinkman Legend LX, the Lighwave 4000 and the Innova 5X....
This should be the best lights that were introduced in the year 2001. In that case my nominations would be the Princeton Tec Surge for the incandescents and the Arc AAA-LE for the LEDs.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Alan:
No kidding, 10X isn't on the list?


Hey Alan, would you happen to know how much that 10X would cost in US $?-(just approx)
there are to many good lights in my opinion to have a best!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vcal:
Hey Alan, would you happen to know how much that 10X would cost in US $?-(just approx)

It would be much cheaper than what I paid in Hong Kong. It's around US$300 in Hong Kong and costs only US$215 to US$250 in the U.S.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Alan:
It would be much cheaper than what I paid in Hong Kong. It's around US$300 in Hong Kong and costs only US$215 to US$250 in the U.S.


Thanks, Alan
Since you are a something of a "beam-scholar"
, which would you consider to be a better value..-a 10X or a UKE Light Cannon (around $175.US)?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vcal:
Since you are a something of a "beam-scholar"
, which would you consider to be a better value..-a 10X or a UKE Light Cannon (around $175.US)?

I'm flattered and I'm just a enthusiastic flashaholic like most members here.

Back to the question. I like your question - better value instead of better light.

Both are GREAT light, my opinions would simply reflect my personal preference.

HID light doesn't like often on/off that degrade its life span. You might want to leave it on more often once it's on. Due to this reason, you might want to use rechargeable option. Adding a rechargeable option, its price jump up quick and costs more than 10X. Unless you use it underwater or use it as camera light, I would say 10X provide better value (number of usage/initial investment + operation cost) due to its dual bulbs.

The major cost of LC100 is its lamp module. Welch Allyn promoise lower price and better brightness (20W - 900 lumens?) in 2002.

If you want to impress friends, HID's white light works better:)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by geepondy:
This should be the best lights that were introduced in the year 2001. In that case my nominations would be the Princeton Tec Surge for the incandescents and the Arc AAA-LE for the LEDs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to agree with your nominations. I thought a lot about the SureFire E2, but it's so similar to existing SureFires, it's more of an 'improved' model, than a new light. It's a 'compact' 6P, with an integral reflector, and some well engineered size reduction, but it's still almost the same light. Not groundbreaking, but excellent R&D and engineering. The Arc-AAA, and Are-LE, are groundbreakers witout a doubt. There sinply isn't anything else that they can be compared to. And the Princeton Tec Surge has to be the about the best lumen/size for the dollar. Here's a light that rivals some SureFire's that cost over $100, at about 1/4 the cost. It's small for it's output, against any flashlight that isn't powered by 3 volt lithium 123's, and given it's light output, using conventional alkaline batteries, it's still a very compact light. The Brinkman LX breaks ground only by virtue of it's low cost, which is not to say anything bad about it. But it is essentially a very economical copy of several other 6 volt, 2 lithium 123 powered lights. The fact that it does so at around 1/3 the cost is a major acheivment in manufacturing economy, but by itself, it doesn't have the uniqueness that distinguishes the Arc-AAA/Arc-LE and the Princeton Tec Surge. If rechargeables get their own category, then the UltraStinger wins that category. Again, it's not any new technology, but a vast improvement on an existing design, which puts out a very large amount of light in a package that costs under $100.

But Flashlight of the Year for 2001 has to go to the Arc-AAA/Arc-LE. It stands by itself, with no other flashlight even comparable to it. It's the obvious winner, IMHO, for 2001.
Strange that Photon Fusion is not mentioned. As far as I know there're not many ledlights that converts between headlight, flashlight and table lamp.
My two would be:
SureFire E2 -- The first to take tactical-light-power and put it into an everyday-carryable format. A minor change in form factor translates into an everyday-carry revolution.

Arc LE -- Man, this thing is cool! I bought this because I was tired of getting 1 hour of bright light followed by many hours of dim light with my photons. So far, the Arc is giving me reasonably constant light, and is not all that much more noticeable than the photon on the key ring.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by recercare:
Strange that Photon Fusion is not mentioned. As far as I know there're not many ledlights that converts between headlight, flashlight and table lamp.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think any light that is primarily designed as a headlamp is simply going to have less mass appeal than a conventional flashlight. FWIW, it looks like a good idea to me, but since I have never felt the need for a headlamp, the price put me off. Also, perhaps a light that tries to do too many things is a bit compromised by trying to be good at too many different applications. I've seen some of the new Petzl LED headlamps, and they are small, put out a good amount of light, and look comfortable to wear. But, getting one to be a good hand flashlight, also, might make it less comfortable and effective as a headlamp. Just speculating, of course.
Hats off to the Arc LE this little light is unbelievable and we all know Peter is also trying for the best light of 2002 with the LS. Keep up the excellent work Peter.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by recercare:
Strange that Photon Fusion is not mentioned. As far as I know there're not many ledlights that converts between headlight, flashlight and table lamp.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Fusion would be a great light...if it worked! Maybe I just got a lemon, but mine has only 2 modes: very bright or very dim, with none of the in between options. On the other hand, for a light that tries to be all things to all opeople, it succeeds surprisingly well, and I use it often. It's an excellent headlamp (more flood than spot, even by LED standards). It's fine in flashlight mode too, although it does feel just a bit unwieldy. As a desk or table lamp it's excellent, almost infinitely adjustable.

I've decided not to send it back.

Best regards,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
I have to agree with your nominations. I thought a lot about the SureFire E2, but it's so similar to existing SureFires, it's more of an 'improved' model, than a new light. It's a 'compact' 6P, with an integral reflector, and some well engineered size reduction, but it's still almost the same light. Not groundbreaking, but excellent R&D and engineering. The Arc-AAA, and Are-LE, are groundbreakers witout a doubt. There sinply isn't anything else that they can be compared to. And the Princeton Tec Surge has to be the about the best lumen/size for the dollar. Here's a light that rivals some SureFire's that cost over $100, at about 1/4 the cost. It's small for it's output, against any flashlight that isn't powered by 3 volt lithium 123's, and given it's light output, using conventional alkaline batteries, it's still a very compact light. The Brinkman LX breaks ground only by virtue of it's low cost, which is not to say anything bad about it. But it is essentially a very economical copy of several other 6 volt, 2 lithium 123 powered lights. The fact that it does so at around 1/3 the cost is a major acheivment in manufacturing economy, but by itself, it doesn't have the uniqueness that distinguishes the Arc-AAA/Arc-LE and the Princeton Tec Surge. If rechargeables get their own category, then the UltraStinger wins that category. Again, it's not any new technology, but a vast improvement on an existing design, which puts out a very large amount of light in a package that costs under $100.

But Flashlight of the Year for 2001 has to go to the Arc-AAA/Arc-LE. It stands by itself, with no other flashlight even comparable to it. It's the obvious winner, IMHO, for 2001.


I found myself enjoying your analysis. It's very well reasoned and convincing. Perhaps there should be categories, for which CPF might issue "awards?"

Best regards,
Brightnorm, Gandalf and others:

I am inclined to think that we should have categories for things we tresure most. Hey, they do it with cars and the movies, why not flashlights ?

Here are the categoires:
Best Incandescant
Best LED
Best Mutiple LED
Best Innovative / Unique
and the top honor "Light of the Year

The nice thing about categories is that we can recognize the individual traits that characterize each type of lights. Sure, the E2 with its new body style makes it a great everyday carry etc but everyone will agreee, won't hold a candle in burn time to any led.

On the other hand, the ARC is the best in its class.... but for some, not enought light, hence mutiple LEDS.... we can now give credit the to the likes of the Lightware 4000, Innova 5x etc.

And, how about the Light Cannon or the Fusion for innovative/unique light? UK's introduction of the HID in a portable, handheld, relatively affortable unit is incredible.

Last and most important, "LIGHT of YEAR" award (probably one of the previous four). This is the one light that we all bought (or will buy); this is the one that reflects best of the best