... or so I keep reading.
Not long ago I posted a WTB for a Fenix P1D CE. User wacbzz (who doesn't know me from Adam) sent me a PM offering not only an excellent price, but an offer to send me the light to inspect, then pay for if I decided I liked it.
The act in itself is probably not notable enough for an official "cheer" in the C&J forum, and isn't it a wonderful thing that someone trusting a stranger like that is commonplace here.
The level of trust displayed here is incredible, the problem transactions are pretty darned few and, in my mind the CPF spirit is doing just fine.
Not long ago I posted a WTB for a Fenix P1D CE. User wacbzz (who doesn't know me from Adam) sent me a PM offering not only an excellent price, but an offer to send me the light to inspect, then pay for if I decided I liked it.
The act in itself is probably not notable enough for an official "cheer" in the C&J forum, and isn't it a wonderful thing that someone trusting a stranger like that is commonplace here.
The level of trust displayed here is incredible, the problem transactions are pretty darned few and, in my mind the CPF spirit is doing just fine.