The CPF spirit is dead...


Feb 8, 2005
Kansas, USA
... or so I keep reading.
Not long ago I posted a WTB for a Fenix P1D CE. User wacbzz (who doesn't know me from Adam) sent me a PM offering not only an excellent price, but an offer to send me the light to inspect, then pay for if I decided I liked it.

The act in itself is probably not notable enough for an official "cheer" in the C&J forum, and isn't it a wonderful thing that someone trusting a stranger like that is commonplace here.

The level of trust displayed here is incredible, the problem transactions are pretty darned few and, in my mind the CPF spirit is doing just fine.

I've had only good deals on CPF, other than one time I almost got scammed by a guy who was stealing peoples' flashlights. Everything else has been fine. Very nice people to deal with, usually I've gotten pretty good deals.

I don't think CPF is what it used to be, but as any group expands you get both the good and bad.
I havent been here long enough to say if CPF isn't is what it used to be. But the relative short time I've been here, I've been totally astonished by how generous, kind and helpfull the people here are. Without a doubt the best forum I've visited. Gives you hope that there still is honest people out there. Forgive me for the expression, but CPF really is a bright beacon of light in the otherwise dark scam ridden internet.
The spirit here has always seemed to be pretty good to me. All transactions for me have been honest and good natured. Some people occasionally get grumpy (NOT CPF member grumpy...) but where is that not true.

Always been a nice place to park a while and relax for me...especially since the Jetbeam CLE group buy finally came through (thanks again Unforgiven - who by the way exemplifies this generous spirit).
Growing pains "here & there" have caused temporary problems "now & then" ...HOWEVER --->

Indeed we've got a special & respectable group of members that keep the wheels turning!! While it's an around the world & around the clock job to keep "monitoring the machine", help from the members in the form of extra eyes & self policing has certainly helped out more than I personally could ever say thank you for. Maybe others have different opinions?

BTW - I'd just like to take this opportunity to THANK all those B/S/T participants who continue to EDIT THEIR TITLES with "SOLD" when a transaction is complete! It really helps out and shows respect for all the members scanning the threads!

ADDITIONALLY - the "Spirit of Pay it Forward" is alive & well!! I salute you all!