Flying Turtle
Here I go again. Was wandering through WalMart today and spotted another silly little light I had to investigate. It's called the Bayco 4 LED. They had a bunch of larger multi-LED two and four battery models, but this 1 AAA unit is what caught my eye. So did its low price ($6.97). And I had a gift card to use.
Odd, cheap lights are almost as fun to me as the good stuff, and this one qualified. Two Nichia-like LEDs out the top for a bit of throw, two floody ones out the side. Push button reverse clickie switch on the back. There's also a wrist lanyard. The LEDs have a decent white tint.
Nothing special, but at least it's semi-unique. Fits right in to my ever expanding goofy light collection.
Odd, cheap lights are almost as fun to me as the good stuff, and this one qualified. Two Nichia-like LEDs out the top for a bit of throw, two floody ones out the side. Push button reverse clickie switch on the back. There's also a wrist lanyard. The LEDs have a decent white tint.
Nothing special, but at least it's semi-unique. Fits right in to my ever expanding goofy light collection.
