The History and Foundation of CPF


Oct 14, 2007
Sebring, FL (Central Florida)
Well I have been here for four months but compared to members like Dano who was the original 13th Member here in 2000, I am a baby. I have been interested in the Founding and history of CPF for a while now and seeing that Dano was the 13th member really sparked my interest. I would like someone who has been here since the begining to as best as they can, describe the formation and history of CPF. No event is to little, LED crazes site crashes new owners whatever I want to hear it all!

In the beginning someone created the day and night. The night was without light, and without flashaholics; and darkness was on the face of the earth. And the spirit of Surefire was hovering over the face of Fountain Valley, CA.

Then Surefire said, "let there be light"; and there was high intensity, P60 light. And then Surefire saw the light, that it was good; and we divided the light from the darkness. Flashaholics called the light day, and the darkness time to play. So the evening and the morning were the first day, and then came CPF.

Or something like that.
In the beginning someone created the day and night. The night was without light, and without flashaholics; and darkness was on the face of the earth. And the spirit of Surefire was hovering over the face of Fountain Valley, CA.

Then Surefire said, "let there be light"; and there was high intensity, P60 light. And then Surefire saw the light, that it was good; and we divided the light from the darkness. Flashaholics called the light day, and the darkness time to play. So the evening and the morning were the first day, and then came CPF.

Or something like that.
:crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: LOL!
In the beginning someone created the day and night. The night was without light, and without flashaholics; and darkness was on the face of the earth. And the spirit of Surefire was hovering over the face of Fountain Valley, CA.

Then Surefire said, "let there be light"; and there was high intensity, P60 light. And then Surefire saw the light, that it was good; and we divided the light from the darkness. Flashaholics called the light day, and the darkness time to play. So the evening and the morning were the first day, and then came CPF.

Or something like that.

Funny but Im looking for the real thing.

Thats a long story :D I would let the parties involved speak for themselves but I can fill in the quick history. Sasha took over the day to day maintenance and admin duties, and eventually the financial responsibilities and when he could no longer make the time commitment David made the domain and other such properties hers to go forward with.

I didn't join until 2002, there was already SO much content and theory and technical specs here. I learned more about current regulation and LED"s and power management and so much good stuff! I spent many many sleepless nights reading and re-reading threads on building power supplies and such :D Those were good times!
Back in the day of Usenet, myself, David W (original CPF founder) and a bunch of others started talking lights in the Rec.knives Usenet group. Back then, the popular lights were SF's and a smattering of Streamlights.

David W. left Usenet and started CPF in August of 2000.

I wonder where he is, now, and what he would think of the current CPF?

From one of the above listed threads:

Brock... reg 8/6/00
dano... reg 8/11/00
The_LED_Museum... reg 8/12/00
Skyline... reg 8/17/00
Size15s... reg 8/29/00

I think me, Al and Craig are the only ones left from the above list of "old timers."

I also am pretty new here and have an interest in CPF history and evolution over the last eight years. Any way we could get some of the long time members to build a Wiki page on topic?????? Then future inquiries could be directed there, and people who have been here for a while can tell all us newbies stories of the good old days. I love stories! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
From one of the above listed threads:

Brock... reg 8/6/00
dano... reg 8/11/00
The_LED_Museum... reg 8/12/00
Skyline... reg 8/17/00
Size15s... reg 8/29/00

I think me, Al and Craig are the only ones left from the above list of "old timers."

Don't forget Brock!

This is JUST the information that i've been looking for.

Thank you to everbody who has made CPF such a great place to share knowledge, ideas, and opinions.

I agree!! I had always wondered why Sasha who is the head honcho around here joined later than other members. Well this is really cool and I too wonder what Mr. David C.(to whom we ALL owe a great debt of grattitude) would think of the current CPF, Ill bet he never imagined 11,000+ members!! Thank you David and Sasha and everybody who keeps this place up and running.

Hey tvodrd, how did you get a title and a supporter badge? I want to buy a custom title but apparently they are only available sometimes, and I delayed getting a badge because I wanted a custom title more but if I can have both...

I always wondered how this forum came to be.

Great thread to read(maybe make it a stickie somewhere?).

It's amazing how much this forum has shaped the flashlight world and how far we have came.

:goodjob: to all the members who are part of this great place.
It's amazing how much this forum has shaped the flashlight world and how far we have came.
yes i wonder how much the world of flashlights has changed because of its existence. A lot of companies come here for advice and suggestions right? so many people would be in the dark without us:candle::D
Hey tvodrd, how did you get a title and a supporter badge? I want to buy a custom title but apparently they are only available sometimes, and I delayed getting a badge because I wanted a custom title more but if I can have both...


The title *Flashaholic* is postcount-related. The supporter badge is via a PayPal contribution. You can access through your User CP/Control Panel. Larry