The Malkoff Experience


Sep 6, 2010
Hello fellow members (and lurkers) :wave:

I just wanted to share with you all my first and recent experience with Malkoff Devices.

Now, I'm just a Newb and a bit of a latecomer to the Malkoff bandwagon. Like most, I've read numerous reviews of the fabulous Malkoff products, and probably just as many first hand accounts about their equally fabulous customer service. My previous personal experiences with the Malkoff products was limited to the M60 drop-in that came with my Elzetta light, and drooling over the various models at my local Australian dealer - Cool Torches. It was James that introduced me to the Malkoff products and the second I saw the gorgeous beam of the M61W I was hooked. So much so that I bought the M61W without having a host to put it in. I'm patiently waiting to put it into an orange Cerakoted MD2. James also introduced me to the Valiant Little Twisty (Damn you, James !!!!:nana:). I tried my darnedest to resist, using logic as my weapon of choice. But resistance was futile..........The final straw was the release of the Ti VME head. I could resist no longer :fail: I had to have my Preciousssss.......

In the frenzy to acquire my Precious, I made a classic Newbie mistake. It was an impulse buy and as such not a well thought out decision. I knew I wanted to put a M31W in it because I loved the tint from my M61W, but MD were out of stock of the M31W. What was I to do ? Now, if I had been thinking clearly, I would have simply ordered the Ti VME head (plus the other accessories) and sourced the M31W at a later date or from another source, e.g. my local dealer !!! This thought occurred to me a few seconds after I hit the Confirm Payment button. I had ordered an M31 instead. Sure enough, Cool Torches had three M31W in stock !!! :ohgeez: I tried to rectify my mistake by sending an email to MD asking if I can either cancel the the M31 or if they can change my order to the M31W even if it meant waiting a few weeks till they became available. I got a quick reply from Cathy saying that a swap was doable as long as I was prepared to wait an extra week. I quickly replied in the affirmative with my order number and thought nothing else of it. A few days later, I got an email from Mrs Malkoff apologizing to me !!! It seems they had processed my original order before she had read my last email. She said not to worry as they will be sending me an M31W and instructed me not to bother sending the M31 back !!! I actually had read her apology email before I got the delivery confirmation letter. Keep in mind that the whole mess was entirely my fault and I was quite prepared to accept my rash decision. Also, as far as Gene and Cathy were concerned, I was a first time customer and they had no way of knowing that Im even a CPF member. Its not like Ive kicked up a fuss and the customer service followed. Cathy picked up on the oversight and had rectified it before I had even known that there was even an issue. To me, this is customer service of the highest calibre and one that all businesses should aspire to.

Some may say, Big Deal !!! Its just a $70 drop-in !!!. To me, the value is irrelevant. Cathys actions shows that they truly value their customers. Too often businesses stop caring after they have your hard-earned. Its refreshing to see that good old-fashioned customer service still exists in this age of faceless cyber-retail. I salute you Gene and Cathy :bow::bow::bow: You have another faithful customer. Now......How about another batch of Fanta flavoured MD2 ?? :poke:

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