Dances with Flashlight
Flashlight Enthusiast
Among my other faults, I really enjoyed the Neverending Story. Is the intermission over?
The CPF Cafe was once home to a Neverending Story - one which challenged the imagination and let CPF'ers contribute something really worthless every once in awhile.
For what were undoubtedly good and sufficient reasons at the time, an Intermission was called some nineteen months ago. Simply wondering whether the time has come to untomb the mummy and let it walk among us again.
The CPF Cafe was once home to a Neverending Story - one which challenged the imagination and let CPF'ers contribute something really worthless every once in awhile.
For what were undoubtedly good and sufficient reasons at the time, an Intermission was called some nineteen months ago. Simply wondering whether the time has come to untomb the mummy and let it walk among us again.
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