the personal upgrade thread

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*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i wonder what ya all will do to upgrade ya life?lets all put one thing down unless ya are perfect. me i will work on takeing my pysch meds better i sometimes screw em up. today i got a new tray that organizes em. what will you do?i already upgraded my hearts meds my bp is now in check
Great news Raggie! Keeping your meds organized is defiunitely going to pay off. Good to hear that your B/P is under control.

If I was going to upgrade my life, I'd have a home in the woods with a large yard and lots of animals. I'd also have enough space and equipment for a decent R&D lab.
Unforgiven said:
I will try not to use forums as my personal blog. :)
sorry please delte this trully sorry.have a great day
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