The pound sterling holiday period is over.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
Not so long ago the pound was doing very well,

but not no more it has plumeted from $1.97 to "today" $1.76 wow only yesterday it was $1.84 when I checked :thinking: is this a warning?
I think so,
the euro on the other hand is increasing as a global currency and is expected to over take the dollar,what do you think?
[edited] BTW HSBC BANK predicted the $1.76 rate in janurary,but said it would hit this rate within 15 months.
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Yes its the lowest its been for years. My credit card is rate is 1.72$ to the £.
My last few purchases were at $2 a few months ago!

Guess I won't be buying much stuff at the moment.

Here's hoping for a sudden revival before I lay down the $$$ for the UA2/UB2/T1A/Saint etc.

hmm.. Orb lights are going down in cost you say?

You really know how to hit a man when he's down don't you?

Yep, the good times are over, but at least the PM has removed stamp duty on houses under £175,000 today:twothumbs.

Oh hang on,:mecry: there are no houses under £175,000 , well not round here anyway.
Great news, maybe I can afford Brooks saddles again.

I had similar thoughts, but it was for Carradice seat bags and for McVities biscuits. Fortunately, I've got a small stash of Brooks saddles that were produced 6 or 7 years ago. Anyone looking for a shiny new B.17 Champion Flyer?

in rainy Illinois

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