TinderBox (UK)

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 14, 2006
England, United Kingdom
It might sound like a stupid title, but i am trying to get a idea of how much it cost around the world.

most people have to buy it every day or so, unless your lactose intolerant.

In the UK, at most supermarkets it`s £1.34 for 4 pint container of milk, thats approx $2.68, but my local corner shop sells it for £0.89 for the same 4 pints.

A lot of supermarket, are being accused of fixing the price.

I just want to see if were being ripped off in the UK.


About $2.29 for half a gallon here. The price of milk went up ridiculously recently. It was about $2.59 a gallon two years ago. Given the price lately, I just buy half-and-half by the pints for about $1. Tastes better in coffee. That's about the only thing I use milk for anyway these days.

I love eating breakfast cereal with milk at anytime of day, also just as a drink.

But 4 pints, last about a day at most.

so i have given up cereal and now don't buy milk at all, as it is too expensive.

I just use powdered milk in my coffey.



Don't buy it at all, its one of the worst things you can drink. Check out, you wont drink it again (cows milk). There are other kinds that are ok. What does this have to do with price you say? Because they have alot of folks conned into believing that "it does a body good" which is a flat lie. I dont want to derail this thread but do some research and check the facts for yourself. I used to love cereal myself but the milk isn't good for you.

I just had a search for the longest lifespans in the world the results are below.

according to the info below, their is only approx 5 years between US life expectancy at 77.9 years and the highest in the world at 83.5 years.

I will admit that i only did a two second search, but milk dose not appear to affect life expectancy by that much!!!.



Where Do People Live The Longest?

U.S. Life Expectancy Rises, Still Not The Longest

POSTED: 11:37 am CDT September 13, 2007
UPDATED: 12:03 pm CDT September 13, 2007

ATLANTA -- U.S. life expectancy has inched up to 77.9 years from the previous record, 77.8, recorded for 2004. The increase was more dramatic in contrast with 1995, when life expectancy was 75.8, and 1955, when it was 69.6. The new data was released Wednesday in a report by the National Center for Health Statistics. A final report will be released later, and the numbers may change a little. "If death rates from certain leading causes of death continue to decline, we should continue to see improvements in life expectancy," said study co-author Hsiang-Ching Kung, in a prepared statement. Researchers also noted continued differences by race and sex. Life expectancy for whites in 2005 was 78.3, the same as in 2004. Black life expectancy rose from 73.1 in 2004 to 73.2 in 2005, but it was still nearly five years less than the white figure. Life expectancy for women continues to be five years longer than for men, the report also found. The United States continues to lag behind at least 40 other nations. Andorra, a tiny country in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, has the longest life expectancy, at 83.5 years, according to a U.S. Census Bureau analysis of 2004 international data. It was followed by Japan, Macau (which is part of China), San Marino and Singapore. Also in the report, heart disease and stroke - the No. 1 and No. 3 killers – killed fewer people nationwide in 2005 than 2004. But deaths from the No. 2 cause, cancer, rose to about 559,000 from 554,000, according to the report.
I am lactose intolerant and I pay $3 for a 1L carton of the Lactaid treated stuff. I think regular milk is $2. I usually go through 2 cartons in a week.
Don't buy it at all, its one of the worst things you can drink. Check out, you wont drink it again (cows milk). There are other kinds that are ok. What does this have to do with price you say? Because they have alot of folks conned into believing that "it does a body good" which is a flat lie. I dont want to derail this thread but do some research and check the facts for yourself. I used to love cereal myself but the milk isn't good for you.
That's one of the reasons I only have it in my coffee. Unfortunately, milk is used in many of the things we eat, so removing it completely from the diet would be next to impossible.
I think a nice glass of cold full fat milk, is absolutely fantastic.

supposedly a lot of oriental people are lactose intolerant.



I am lactose intolerant and I pay $3 for a 1L carton of the Lactaid treated stuff. I think regular milk is $2. I usually go through 2 cartons in a week.
It might sound like a stupid title, but i am trying to get a idea of how much it cost around the world.

most people have to buy it every day or so, unless your lactose intolerant.

In the UK, at most supermarkets it`s £1.34 for 4 pint container of milk, thats approx $2.68, but my local corner shop sells it for £0.89 for the same 4 pints.

A lot of supermarket, are being accused of fixing the price.

I just want to see if were being ripped off in the UK.



I think the price of Milk is quite a bit higher in the UK than in the U.S. I live in Upstate NY and pay roughly 3.39 per gallon for Price Chopper brand milk. If you want to be a real bargain shopper you can buy the Save A Lot brand for a few cents less but I personally don't.

Up until around 6 months ago you could buy a gallon for $1.99 at Stewarts gas stations. They also gave a free gallon after buying 10 gallons of Milk.
ATLANTA -- U.S. life expectancy has inched up to 77.9 years from the previous record, 77.8, recorded for 2004. The increase was more dramatic in contrast with 1995, when life expectancy was 75.8, and 1955, when it was 69.6. The new data was released Wednesday in a report by the National Center for Health Statistics. A final report will be released later, and the numbers may change a little. "If death rates from certain leading causes of death continue to decline, we should continue to see improvements in life expectancy," said study co-author Hsiang-Ching Kung, in a prepared statement. Researchers also noted continued differences by race and sex. Life expectancy for whites in 2005 was 78.3, the same as in 2004. Black life expectancy rose from 73.1 in 2004 to 73.2 in 2005, but it was still nearly five years less than the white figure. Life expectancy for women continues to be five years longer than for men, the report also found. The United States continues to lag behind at least 40 other nations. Andorra, a tiny country in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, has the longest life expectancy, at 83.5 years, according to a U.S. Census Bureau analysis of 2004 international data. It was followed by Japan, Macau (which is part of China), San Marino and Singapore. Also in the report, heart disease and stroke - the No. 1 and No. 3 killers – killed fewer people nationwide in 2005 than 2004. But deaths from the No. 2 cause, cancer, rose to about 559,000 from 554,000, according to the report.
Given all the advances in medicine, this life expectancy seems horribly low. After all, there were some cities in the Roman Empire where life expectancy was 70 years in a time where medicine barely existed. It appears all medical advances have done is to compensate for a basically unhealthy lifestyle, not prolong life. I read several things which suggest that in the absence of preventable causes of death like heart disease and cancer, average lifespan would be closer to 100 years than to 80. It seems even the countries with the longest lifespans still have plenty of room for improvement.

The lower US figures don't surprise me. After all, we're addicted to fast foods. In many places people can't walk to run their errands. The air is loaded with carcinogens from autos and airplanes. I'm sure plastic food containers aren't helping either. Neither is a medical establishment that pushes pills for every ill instead of lifestyle changes.
That's one of the reasons I only have it in my coffee. Unfortunately, milk is used in many of the things we eat, so removing it completely from the diet would be next to impossible.
I know it, along with many other things too unfortunately. I like milk too don't get me wrong but it just isn't worth it to me (cows milk). :cool:
Sent my daughter to the store this evening for a gallon of milk. Gave her $20 and didn't get any change.
Sooo, I have to assume that milk is $20 per gallon...:whistle:
$5 - 6 CDN for 4 liters in most small stores , $3.75 - 4.50 CDN for 4liters in the large supermarkets.

In the UK, at most supermarkets it`s £1.34 for 4 pint container of milk, thats approx $2.68, but my local corner shop sells it for £0.89 for the same 4 pints.

In Australia, 4 pints of milk would cost £1.80 in a supermarket, and well over £2.00 in a bakery or what you would call an off-licence.

But that's UK pricing for you. Real basics, like milk, bread, etc, are really cheap over there by world standards. But go to a UK restaurant and your pound goes nowhere.

Look on the bright side. You wouldn't want to be shopping in Norway...
Hehe try to buy cigarettes in UK you'll sure quit at $11.00 for a pack (20cigarettes) for Marlboro's heheh a day pass in the metro of london costs about the same, what a shame :(

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