The right charger for UltraFire 14500 batteries


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2004
Felony Flats, CA
I ordered a pair of Ultrafire 14500s and the "Ultra Fire 10440 14500 AC Charger" from DealExtreme.

I received the charger yesterday. The packaging has a list of model numbers.

The one with a check mark in the box next to it says:

Special for CR123A

At the bottom of the list is one that says:

Lithium 3.7V

Which one is the right one?

I'm about to send this one back.


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The Wf 139 is for what you need, but I would consider keeping the 138- if that's what you got, as you'll probably end up like most of us...with 4 or 5 chargers within a year!
Lighthouse One said:
The Wf 139 is for what you need, but I would consider keeping the 138- if that's what you got, as you'll probably end up like most of us...with 4 or 5 chargers within a year!
I'm not sure how addicted I'll get. My concern right now is whether this one will properly charge these batteries without turning me into a suicide bomber. :eek: I'd rather buy extra chargers than not have the right one.

BTW, these are unprotected 14500s :poof:

Again....yes the WF 139. I use a lot of unprotected batteries. Just watch them the first time they charge. If you have a voltmeter, check them every 15 minutes the first time, and see if the charger stops around 4.20 volts....a couple hundredths higher is 4.22
Don't just throw them in the charger and go to bed! Remove them when done- don't store them in the charger.

Good luck!
I have the Utrafire WF 139 charger, works OK, fairly quick, have charged RCR123 Utrafire non-protected, and 18650 as well as 17670 cells.
If you worry so much about overcharge and "fast venting sometimes with flames", get some cheap Nano-chargers, some pieces of cable and some small magnets!
Quite inexpencive, can charge any Li-Ion cells, and does it so slowly that you soon learn to know when the cells are charged and can be removed!
My RCR123 cells, from when I see the Lumens Factory HO-9 is quickly dimming, reading approx. 3.7 Volts and no charge according to the ZTS MBT-1 battery-tester, takes about 24 hours and some to be fully recharged.
From reading 4.20 Volts, it takes a couple of hours to get to 4.21 Volts, so to check them with a Volt-meter is not something you have to do every 15 minutes!
Charging depleted 18650 2400 mAh cells takes 48 hours and some, but if you have spares, and no hurry really, why rush? If peace of mind is regarded more valuable?
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