The U.S. Government wants to buy you a torch.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 8, 2008
A Galaxy Far Far Away, UT 84741
Well there is a big hubbub going around about the US Government sending out recession checks to its qualifying citizens.

well me being a flashaholic of the USA am sure tempted to spend it on one heck of a flashlight

So my question was if you had $300 to $1200 dollars coming to your door what flashlight would you spend it on?
im not in the US, but what the hell....either SF UB2 Invivtus
or the new ARC6 / Ls
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Wouldn't it be ironic if those flashaholic checks were deposited into a paypal account in China...only because a Chinese company happened to have the very best light on the market at that given time (with the follow-up question being...what are the odds of this actually happening given the circumstances of late?).
So my question was if you had $300 to $1200 dollars coming to your door what flashlight would you spend it on?

I'm married, with three kids, and underneath the income threshold, so we've got $2,100 coming.

If I could spend it any way I wanted, I'd get a SureFire UA2 Optimus, a Nightcore Defender Infinity, a SureFire E1B, a Fenix Tk10, a SureFire LED Weaponlight, and a Kimber Custom TLE/RL II to mount the Weaponlight on. And I'd even have some change :naughty:.
I might pick up a Inova Tiros T1 if I can find one, but other than that I have no need for a new light currently. All my needs are more than taken care of.
knowing CPF, most of the rebate checks will go to China anyway, regardless if the "best" light came out of there.

Just go check the reviews section.

I'm getting a Photon Fanatic light, a UA2, and whatever else I feel like from a US source(if the HDS ever come out soon). The CPFers who spend that money on foreign lights, well, I'm sure they will enjoy their cheap toys enough to not care.
Do you consider the Polarion helios PH40 "a cheap toy"?...just wondering.

It's cheap and inferior because it's not made in the USA. No if's, not buts, no matter how many examples you can bring of bad quality goods made in the USA, some people will always think that "If it's made in the USA it must be better than if it were made in china!!"

Those people probably think that chinese people have inferior vision, 2 stubby fingers, no opposable thumbs and a smaller brain. After all, it backs up their argument of "chinese stuff is rubbish!"

Judging by some of the members on here, you'd have thought that the only thing lights worth owning are those made in america. Anything else is inferior and not worth owning.

On the other hand, I'm happy to embrace good quality no matter the country of origin.
Those people probably think that chinese people have inferior vision, 2 stubby fingers, no opposable thumbs and a smaller brain. After all, it backs up their argument of "chinese stuff is rubbish!"

interesting stuff. The CPFers who have met me would find that assumption hilarious.:D Judging by the department I graduated from, and the graduate department that I'm going in the fall(Industrial Engineering), we have very little prejudice against any humans, only the way products are made. Had we only had the manufacturers in Asia we would still be debating which P60 light is cheaper than the rest.

or is that just your stereotype of Chinese people?
The US Gov wants us to spend that money here, then they go and give a KC-45 air tanker contract worth 35 billion to a European maker instead of building them right here. Unreal. Sorry for the politics.

I would and may buy one of the new Surefires, sweet lights !
interesting stuff. The CPFers who have met me would find that assumption hilarious.:D Judging by the department I graduated from, and the graduate department that I'm going in the fall(Industrial Engineering), we have very little prejudice against any humans, only the way products are made. Had we only had the manufacturers in Asia we would still be debating which P60 light is cheaper than the rest.

or is that just your stereotype of Chinese people?

It's good to hear that you're not as I first thought, but when you said "The CPFers who spend that money on foreign lights, well, I'm sure they will enjoy their cheap toys enough to not care.", it implied that foreign lights were cheap toys and I put you down as a 'USA>china in every single respect, and china will never be as good' person (I'm sure you've come accros them). If I was wrong, I apologise.