The waiting is killing me.....


Jan 19, 2008
I finally got the cash together to build myself a decent hotwire. Paypals have all been sent a a few items have arrived. But WOW this takes a painfully long time. I'm not knocking anyones shipping or turn around time. Everyone has be prompt and extremely helpful. :thumbsup: I haven't felt like this since I was a little kid and waiting 6-8 weeks after I sent in my box tops for the special toy. I actually looked to see if the mail had come yet about 5 times today.:shakehead

It's only been two weeks since I started sending paypals and it feels like it's been a month.

How do all of you cope with this stress? I've gone through a huge amount of solder and a bunch of reloading supplies attempting to keep myself entertained so I don't buy something else until I try all this stuff out. (The Fivemega Throwmaster is looking very very tempting at this point).

<Stands up>

Hello my name is Sylathnie and I'm a Flashaholic. :sigh:
I get on here, and go outside to play with my other lights lol. What hotwire are you building?
welcome to CPF, the place where your money takes about 2 seconds to leave, and the packages take 2 weeks to arrive.Sometimes less, sometimes more.

Ive been waiting on my NDI from Sigman, he posted on 8th, and yestearday i kept thinking, its been long enough, it should be here by now. It didnt arrive,then i counted the days,it had only been about 7 days, means it could still take awhile..:(

Well ... I bought a NIB A2 from TJx ... He too posted on the 8th and it still hadn't arrive yet ... Man, the wait sure is long ... the days without your package i nyour mailbox seems so exceptionally long ~
Ive been waiting on my NDI from Sigman, he posted on 8th, and yestearday i kept thinking, its been long enough, it should be here by now. It didnt arrive,then i counted the days,it had only been about 7 days, means it could still take awhile..:(


Sigman's an awesome guy to werk with, its the distance between the 48 and Alaska that takes the most time:rolleyes:
yeah, i realise that! 8th-14th just to get to International dispach, Im not in the US, so i am not famillier with its, thats far!
credit to sigman though, he shipped the next day! cheers!

How do all of you cope with this stress?
Try not to think about it and do other things, and time will pass faster, but if you can't do that then try to read and learn about every component and things that are related to it. This also is a positive and useful way to make time pass.
The key is to keep buying accessories. Pick up a Throw Master, or two. A steady chain of incoming products is the cure to your woes!