The Weekend Thread.


Aug 27, 2006
What did you do over the weekend?

As for me.... This weekend I'm at home, recovering from a cold. (Damn, that NyQuil is powerful stuff).

Last weekend was better. Went Upstate to visit my best friend and his future wife to be. I helped set up for their Engagement Party at an Elk's Lodge. Plenty of drinks and great food. (Food was prepared by various family members from both families). Just an overall good time. :)

So, what about you?

(Best part is, this thread can be revived every 7 days). :D
Recovering from a cold here too. :sick: Much complicated by the fact that the only cold medicine that helps me in the slightest is pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. Guess which medicine was recently changed to prescription-only, and guess whose doctor's office refuses to give appointments for "only" a cold? :thumbsdow

I predict I'll be taking care of my wife while she battles the same thing, next weekend.

I worked yesterday, and today I'm borrowing a tall ladder to tack up speaker wire around the peaked part of the ceiling..
At home with recovering from the Flu... Luckily the fever is gone... I had 39.5c :(

I was supposed to go on a course for work last friday, but I was sick. really sucks as I'm a contractor and don't get the opportunity to go on courses very often. Also I'm missing out on earlyshifts on saturday and sunday, which really sucks, as it's usually pretty quiet at work, and you do get payed extra for working the weekends...
Rode my bicycle yesterday before work, worked from 3pm til 7am this morning. Then today I woke up at noon or so from a phone call then put in a doorbell to my house. Now I'm eating a couple of burritos and go in to work at 3 pm again :p
Thought perhaps this one could use some oxygen.

If you live in a house you may have a different take on things than living in an apartment.

When I lived in an apartment I had all kinds of spare time to hunt, fish, travel, tinker or other things since the maintenance was taken care of.

Living in a house means lawn care, gutters to clean, plumbing, and stuff like that to compete with leisure time. Yet there's something cool about the smell of fresh cut grass or adding a shelf to a tool shed.

I try to mix it up. Putting off maintenance at times to take a bike ride means none of the "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". That is until the roof leaks, or the kitchen sink drain is clogged. Then it's all hands on deck.

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