Well, Barbolight IS in Spain - there were english mirror pages at one point but I'm guessing they fell by the wayside..
How about this - what's the best email address to get ahold of Javier??
My personal account is id at barbolight dot com
Regarding our website.... I'm quite ashamed...
Well, some time a ago somebody was studiying the case of our bussiness. She was somewhat amazed, as we are just a few and we do a lot of things... So she asked: How do you manage to do everything is needed? My sad answer was: The trick is not to do everything... Well, at the beggining if you are small and your chances are limited, you have to choose what to do and what not to do. Of course a very nice and clear website is important, with all the languajes and so on... but if you have to take care of quality, research, customer care, manufacturing and many other things that many times are urgent (even less important) you have bot enought time.
Then you think: Why don't we hire more people? Hiring is expensive, but also needs extra room. So you decide to look for a new place, when you find it for sure it was not designed and distributed to manufacture flashlights, it takes time and effort... Well, it sound like I'm crying, and that is what I'm doing, but i wanted you to know that having a good website takes time, money.. and when time and money are not endless, and there is more urgent things, unfortunately important things are pushed to the background.
We don't expect this situation to keep forever, and in fact we are taking slowly the steps to fix it. We are asking you just to be more patient... in fact we are the most interested in having a decent website, as it is one of the most important tools of marketing. A forefront product that is being sold in different places arround the world does not deserve a low end website.