Thinking about upgrading headlamps...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
So I've had the same PT Solo for well over 10 years now, and although it has a SS SMJLED module I'm really considering upgrading. I guess my only complaint is the beam it produces. The spill is too floody and dim and the hotspot is hardly noticable (basically, the LED just sits too far in front of the reflector and there isn't a practical way to fix this).

Anyways, I'm looking for a versitile headlamp- one which would be just as comfortable as a stand-alone pack light for camping trips (of any nature) as it would a backup/reading light. The first two to come to mind are the PT EOSR/Tactical and the good old Petzl Tikka 4-led (whatever the latest model is, exactly).

-Long batt. life (shouldnt be an issue with modern LEDs)
-Low mode is first on
- Beam diffuse enough to comfortably read and other close-up tasks
- Beam throwy enough to go running, I'm a slow runner! And, maybe if I'm lucky to serve as a backup cycling light (ya know, in a pinch)
-Absolutely must have decent water resistance. Seems I can't find anything near as sealed as my Solo, but must be able to take a accidental swim/canoe dunking.

Now, like I mentioned above the first two to mind are the EOSR/T and the old school Tikka w/ 4 5mm leds. The Fenix HL20 looks promising, maybe a little too spotty, but the only thing that worries me is the plastic mounting tabs (after all, if it is to be the only functional light in my pack it can't be suseptible to failure of any kind). Now with all the research I'm doing, the EOS looks like the way to go, by far and long but I've played with them quite a bit (we sell the EOSBike at work, too bad it comes on in high :mad: )and would jump on the EOSR-T, but I worry that the low is still too spotty for decent reading (plus a top strap would be nice so I could run a rear flasher without sag worries on the rare occasion I go running).

What do you guys think? Shut up and grab the EOS or is there a better light for my application?

Edit... Whats the difference between the Tikka XP2 and the Tikka Plus2. It looks like the main LED might be a bit higher end on the XP, but can anybody verify?
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I have an EOS and a Fenix HL20. There is no comparison, the Fenix is better than the EOS in every way except for the headband itself. The EOS headband is very nice. But other than that, the Fenix has better throw, more flood, similar runtimes, etc.
Any thoughts on the plastic tab mounting system for the Fenix?
Any thoughts on the plastic tab mounting system for the Fenix?

So far mine is ok. Also I own both and wouldn't say the HL20 beats the newer EOS in all ways. Each has their own pros and cons. I could go into this more if you would like.
I'm pretty well sold on the EOSR-Tactical at this point (although I wish it came in more...visible... colors than black and camo).

Do you foresee the issue of reliability of either the lamp or the headband being an issue under any type of situation with the fenix?
Tikka Plus 2 vs Tikka XP 2: XP has a slide-up diffuser, to change the beam from spot to flood. Plus doesn't. Otherwise, the electronics and optics appear the same (although one take-apart review found differences in the workmanship on the circuit boards).
